Me and toph we're coming back to our camp site and we saw a random person sit there so toph told me to get behind her so she could protect me but I could protect myself so I didn't and I stayed beside her Me and toph shot rocks at her and she used earthbending to bend it back to us then toph shot a rock from under her and shot her up into the sky
Suddenly aang showed up and brought her back down with his air bending I was confused and asked him why he saved the enemy then he told us "this is our new teammate why are you guys attacking her"?!? I felt my heart skip a beat "a new teammate"!?! I thought what happened to letting us know when your going to let someone new into our group?!?
(Authors note this is what the new member looks like
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(Not mine all credits go to the owner)
"Whatever" toph states as she grabs my hand am brings us into my tent "I don't like her I feel like she will turn on us and is working with fire nation" I say laying down Toph uses a rock to bring me off the ground and onto her shoulder, I smile and blush at this sudden action and soon fall asleep on her shoulder The next day
Me,aang, toph, and nadia practice earthbending and every-time I look away she starts getting all over toph and starts flirting with her so after training was over I went over to her tent and said "stay away from toph"! She laughed at my remark and then said " or what, what are you going to do throw a Little Rock at me?" She starts to burst out laughing and I got angry I used my bending to throw her out of the tent and up into the air I used a rock to help me get up there then kicked her down to the ground Toph POV I heard a loud boom and went out of my tent to check I was met by Sokka Aang and Katara they all gave looks to each-other then went to check on Y/N and Nadia my heart started to race at the thought of Y/N being hurt I really hoped she wasn't but when we all got there I felt Aang's heart skip a beat then I heard a scream it sounded like Y/N my heart started to race faster so as a defense mechanism I used rocks and caged Nadia, Aang and Katara used there bending to secure her and Sokka ran over and put his boomerang around her neck Aang POV When I looked over at my cousin I was shocked and sacred she was cut, bruised and bleeding I also looked at Nadia and she was too they had been fighting from the looks of what happened Y/N won it but there was no time to celebrate that I immediately ran over to Y/N and so did toph, Katara to make sure Nadia won't do anything to her brother ran to him and helped make sure nothing would happen but from the looks of it they were both worried for Y/N's health
My POV I felt Aang's arm around me and I looked at him hurt, worried, and scared I started crying in his arms
Toph POV I couldn't do anything I was immobilized I couldn't move I was sweating so hard I felt her heart start to stop then heard Aang start screaming for Katara like crazy he wasn't ok I mean that was his last family member and the only person he truly loved
Katara POV I heard aang screaming my name like a mad man and I ran over he told me to help Y/N and I did she was my best friend I couldn't let her die I healed her but she fainted soon after