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"Hey, you came" Emily said, opening the hotel room's door.

She was nervous, she hadn't seen nor talked to him in a month and now here he was. They definitely needed to talk. He looked at her, he liked her change of look but he was glad her hair was still dark.

"I had an irresistible invitation" he smiled, repeating the words he told her in the bar, before she gave him her room's spare key.

"I'm so glad you're here, we need to talk" she admitted, his smile fading.

"I know, we definitely do" he nodded, they really had to have a serious talk.

He sat on the bed, patting the mattress next to him, to tell her to sit down and she did. She took a long breath, she had revised that speech a million times but somehow she couldn't find the words now.

"First of all I just wanted to tell you that last time when we talked in my basement... I was too scared to tell you out loud but... I love you Cal, I have been falling for you for a while now and when we were on the train and you were sleeping I said it. But obviously you didn't hear it and I just wanted you to know about this" she let it all out, she couldn't keep it for herself anymore.

He softly took her hand in his, stroking it with his thumb while giving her a soft smile.

"I'm sorry that it took me so long to tell you" she looked down.

He put a finger underneath her chin to lift her head up, making her look at him.

"I love you too Emily, I think I've been falling for you since Moldova so it's a pretty long time, but I just didn't know if you really felt the same and I didn't want to push you" he explained, he was so glad she felt the same.

He had been really scared to never see her again after everything that happened in Boston, but now here she was, smiling at him. He kissed her softly, he had missed this. He had missed the way his lips felt on hers, the way she tasted. He let his tongue part her lips to slide in her mouth, kissing her deeply. A moan left her throat as his tongue touched hers and her hands softly touched his face. She had missed him too and that made everything even more difficult. What if he would have left?

"Wait, we need to talk, I'm not done" she broke the kiss before it became too heated, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to stop.

"Oh ok I'm sorry I thought you were done" he genuinely apologized, returning to his previous position, giving her some space but still holding her hand.

"No actually I have something really important to tell you" she explained, trying to look at him in the eyes, but she couldn't.

She took a long breath, her next words could either fuck everything up or make her life even better.

"I don't really know how to tell you this and I just hope you won't freak out and leave because I don't really know how I would be able to do this without you" she started, taking a long breath again.

He looked at her confused and he gently squeezed her hand.

"Did someone hurt you? Do I have to beat up someone? Is it about some new case?" he thought she was in danger, she had previously told him she had a new suspect and if he would have liked to work with her again, so maybe she was in danger.

"No Cal it's not about work, it's about us" she found the strength to look at him in the eyes, but when she saw how worried he was she felt her heart break, what if he left?

"It's ok Em, you can tell me everything" he said softly as he saw her eyes became watery.

Everything. Of course, until that -everything - is something that could change your life forever. Something that wasn't planned.

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