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*Four Years Later*

Her eyes looked at the bottom right corner of her computer for the thousandth time that day, 11.45am. She still had fifteen minutes of work and then she will have the rest of the day off. That was the problem of when your husband is also your work partner, the two of them needed the day off but that would have meant no work for the day and since it was Cal's birthday she offered to be the one who worked half of the day, just to check everything they needed to do.

Once the clock showed 12pm she immediately got up from her chair and took her jacket.

"Derek, I'm leaving, see you tomorrow" she said peeking from the glass door of his office.

"Byrne can I talk to you for a second?" he asked.

"Ok" she simply answered, she just hoped it would be quick.

"I got a new job opportunity, the New York bureau asked me to be in charge of the FBI organization there" he stated as she sat on the chair in front of her.

"Wow Derek, congratulations! That's awesome!" it was a great opportunity for him, she had known him for a lot and he deserved it.

"It is, but I need someone that can make things work here, someone who is a leader, someone incorruptible and that has enough experience to rule this place" he explained and she looked at him confused.

"That someone is you. If you take the offer you can take my place in two weeks" he said.

"What? Me? Two weeks? What about the case? I don't think Cal and I can solve it in two weeks, that's some serious shit" she pointed out shocked.

Her? As the bureau chief? Was she even able to rule the entire place? She would have liked it for sure, it was a big opportunity for her and the fact that Crown had thought about her made her feel really honored.

"I think Isaac can figure it out by himself or you can still help him but I assure you that you'll have a lot of paperwork to fill" he chuckled.

"You don't have to answer now, but the sooner the better because you're my first choice" he explained and she interrupted him immediately.

"Ok, I take it" it was her shot, she couldn't take this opportunity down.

"Ok, we're gonna talk about this properly tomorrow, I don't wanna steal your time any more, I just wanted to know if you were interested" he pointed out.

"Ok, see you tomorrow then" she said before leaving.

She got into her car and headed home, Cal and Alison were waiting for her to have lunch together after going to the park, or at least that's what Cal told her, she actually didn't know if they went there or somewhere else. When she opened the house's door she saw Cal standing in front of her setting the table.

"You're back!" he said heading towards her to leave a small kiss on her lips.

She was about to answer when her daughter's voice interrupted her.

"Mommy! Look!" Alison shouted from the living room floor.

Emily took a few steps to see her better and her jaw dropped.

"Cal... is it ours?" she started.

"Oh yeah that... let's say it was either that or a husky puppy" he pointed out.

"It wasn't supposed to be neither of them where did you even took it?!" she questioned, weren't they supposed to go to the park?

"She saw a billboard and she asked what it was, I explained her it was a shelter where animals that don't have a home live before finding a owner... so she asked me to visit it and she fell in love with him and the husky puppy" he explained.

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