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Today was the day. The day they would found out if their baby was a boy or a girl. The day they could start discussing for names. Secretly they both had been thinking about a lot of names during the previous weeks but they decided to start talking about it when they had knew the sex so they just kept quiet about it.

"What if we call Flynn and Nick to tell them about the pregnancy after we know the sex. The first three months are the most dangerous so now it should be fine to tell them" Emily suggested as she closed her coat.

They were about to leave for the ultrasound appointment and obviously it was raining. It had been days since the last time the weather was bad and obviously today was one of those days.

"Sure, as you want. I don't wanna push you" he answered.

It was her family we were talking about, so she should decide. Then once she told Flynn and Nick he would call his parents to tell them too.

"Ok, but I want you to be there too when I do" she smiled at him, after all he was family too.

He nodded as he helped her fix her coat before leaving the house. They still had no car, but he called his FBI team back in Boston and they told him they managed to catch almost half of the organization, so the case had some major developments that could lead to them being able to go back in Boston without problems. So they decided to wait to buy a car, maybe they could be home sooner than they thought.

"Miss Vanek how are you feeling today?" asked the doctor as she visited her.

"I'm fine, the morning sickness almost disappeared for this week" Emily smiled.

"That's amazing. It's normal for it to slowly fade, but be sure not to underestimate it, it can always come back" the doctor explained, taking her usual new pack of vitamins and giving it to Cal, as they usually did.

"So, I might have understood that you do wanna know the sex of the baby, am I right?" the doctor asked, looking at both of them.

"Yes, we would like to" Cal answered, taking Emily's hand as the doctor started to prepare her for the ultrasound.

She loved how Cal always took her hand without even thinking it twice, it became natural for him from the first time he did it.

"Ok, let's see. Firstly, it looks like your baby is totally healthy and is growing, in a month or so you'll actually start to show a bit more than you already are. Now let's see if your baby is a boy or a girl" the doctor said, making both Cal and Emily let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. The most important thing for them was that the baby was fine.

"Congratulations, it's a girl" the doctor announced as they shared a smile.

"I'll see you guys next month. Plus last time I forgot to warn you about something" the doctor pointed out as she returned to her computer to add the ultrasound details into Emily's folder.

They both looked at her with confused eyes as Cal helped Emily to dress again.

"You told me that you would like to move from the country and you're thinking about doing it before the baby is born. I'm afraid to tell you that you have two months left to do it" she warned them.

"Taking a long distance fly once the third trimester starts it's really risky. So I suggest you not to leave the country after June 19th. You should be due to September 19th so that's more or less when the third trimester will start" she explained.

"Thank you, we kinda knew it was risky but thanks for confirming it. We will either try to move before or after the baby is born" Cal answered.

They knew it wasn't the best thing they could do to put an over 6 months pregnant woman on a 12h flight, but they would have asked anyway.

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