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(Age 20, 71st Annual Hunger Games)

I shook my head as Slendor attempted to sneak another shot of whisky into his coffee. Quit cold tukey my ass!

I was seated in a lavish couch across from him and stared into my own cup of coffee with anger. 

I could feel Slendor's eyes watching me. Before he finally gave up and sighed. "Spit it out".

I rose my eyebrow at him. "There's nothing to spit out".

Slendor rose his own eyebrow in warning. "I know you Kid. And I know that look".

I scoffed. "I don't have a look".

He snorted in amusment. "You're wearing it right now".

I exhaled before my eyes went back to the black liquid in my cup. "What if I just got off the train and skip this year?".

Slendor shrugged. "Then expect peacekeepers at your door tomorrow to personally escort you to the Capitol".

I looked back at him and his eyes held slight sympathy. He sighed. "How many appointments has he assigned you this time?".

I let out a shaky breath. "Fifteen".

Slendor's face twisted into anger, his grip on his cup became so shaky to the point it shattered in his hand from holding it too tightly. I didn't even flinch, after a few years things like that didn't bother me anymore. 

I looked at the broken china with distain before turning to the window. The paddocks of District Ten were still visible from the train windows. I could almost smell the grass. "It could be worse".

I saw Slendor shake his head at me in my periferal vision. "I doubt it could be worse, I never had that many". I watched him pour himself straight whisky in a glass, coffee now completly forgotten.

I sighed. "Finnick has twenty".

Slendor clicked his tongue. "Mags won't like that".

I shrugged and turned back to Slendor. "It's not like anyone can talk him out of it. I asked Mags but she said she already tried. I don't understand why he does it. He doesn't have anyone!".

Slendor gave me a calculating look. "Finnick doesn't have anyone and yet he has twenty appointments?".

I looked him directly in the eyes and nodded.

Slendor's grey eyes were still on me, a mixture of confusion and anger swirling within. "It makes you wonder what Snow's holding over him."

I dropped my gaze back down to my coffee and glared. "He won't tell me. I think Johanna knows but she acts so indifferent whenever I bring it up. A couple of weeks ago she screamed at me over the phone to drop it, before she hung up. I haven't spoken to either of them since".

Slendor whistled lowly. "And here I was thinking you three were as thick as thieves".

I huffed in frsutration. "Well, two weeks ago we were. I just don't know what I'm dreading more. Finnick, Johanna, appointments or sending off children to die".

Slendor chuckled. "Ah the life of a Victor, don't worry kiddo you'll figure it out. And if you don't then find comfort in the fact that it could be worse. You could be one of those two". He indicated his head towards the next compartment over where two scared children sat, stuffing their faces with food.

I gasped. The male tribute looked to be about seventeen but the girl looked no older than twelve. I turned back towards Slendor with slight panic. "She's so young".

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