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(Age 24, The Capitol) 

(Also Possible Trigger Warning because this chapter mentions torture) 

Buzzing. Disinfectant. Beeping. Screams. 

My eyelids were heavy and I was out of it. I was vaguely aware that I was on some kind of drug. Like when your just waking up from surgery. I was aware I was in a hospital. That was obvious, from the smell of disinfectant and that I appeared to be in a bed. I was aware that I'd just had a surgey but I couldn't place why or where. Drugs, it had to be the drugs.

I still heard screams. It was putting me on edge. Why would someone be screaming in a hospital?. I wished I could open my eyes but whaterver the drug was hadn't drained out of my system yet. My mind was awake but my body was still asleep.  Drug induced sleep paralysis? Something I've never experienced. I felt wrong though. Like I was missing something. I felt onedge, like something bad happened but I couldn't remember. 

I could feel bandages completly wrapped from my shoulders down to my pelvis. I probably looked like a mumy.  Who was that?. I was vaguely aware that the person screaming sounded familiar. As if the name was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't make it out. 

The more she screamed the louder the beeping next to me got. I'm guessing a heart monitor?Does District Ten even have heart monitors in their hospitals? 

I heard approaching footsteps towards my bed. I started screaming in my head, as if that'd somehow gain their attention. Fuck. Somethings being injected into my arm. I went under instantly, my brain now asleep along with my body.

***************Meanwhile in District Thirteen****************

Katniss hesitated as she listened to the constant sobs echoing into her room, before gaing the strength to stand. Her head popping out of the door of her new found prison, a hospital room. She crept towards the sounds, before she stood infront of a sobbing Finnick Odair.

Her glare fierce. "Finnick."

He paused in his sobs, twisting the lone piece of rope in his hands. Slowly he rose his head to the wall in frustration. "I wanted to go back for Peta and Johanna". He looked back down at the freying rope, avioding eye contact. "But I, uh...I-I couldn't move. It..."

He bit his lip in frustration while staring down Katniss. "They have Lyra too. I thought she was dead, but Slendor...He died trying to save her". Finnick looked back to down to the rope, pulling on it agressivly before he sniffed. "She's with them, in the Capitol".

He suddenly let the rope go limp in his hands while he stared darkly at the floor. "I wish she was dead. I wish they were all dead and we were too."

Something was hitting my face. I moaned, rolling over to aviod it. I heard a hiss of frustraion before I was hit in the back by something else. That made me wince and I cracked my eyes open in pain. The fuck?

I saw concrete. I was on a concrete floor, surrounded by concrete walls. No window. I felt something collide with my head. I winced again before turning over to see Johanna lying behind bars in cell directly infornt of me.

I gasped. "Johanna?!?"

She chuckled darkly but there was relief hidden underneath it. "About time, I was beginning to think you'd died".

The Arsonist (Finnick Odair/OC)Where stories live. Discover now