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(Age 24, 75th Annual Hunger Gamers -The Quarter Quell)

Slendor was sitting next to me in my living room, drinking his coffee and paying absolutely no attention to President Snow on my giant screen.

Things had changed since the last games. Hope. Victors from District Twelve had won and while I was initially happy that someone other than a career won, I'd grown concerned. Concerned because instead of containing the balance, they tipped the scales and now the people had hope. And hope is a dangerous thing.

I played by the rules. I spent my entire life after my games following Snows rules because I had a family. A family who yes, doesn't talk to me. But they're alive because I play by those rules. His rules. 

Katniss Everdeen attempted poorly in my opinion to follow the same rules. But she didn't restore balance. Now the people have hope and I wondered how long it'd be until that cute little sister of hers tragically dies in some sort of 'accident'. 

I stared down at my coffee before turning my attention back towards Snow. The quarter quell was about to be announced. I turned to Slendor and indicated to the screen. "You should at least watch".

He shrugged. "It's not like it applies to us, Beautiful".

I scoffed. "Yes it does. It'll factor into how we mentor them. I'd personally like to know if I'll be training four tributes instead of two".

He rolled his eyes before looking back to his paper. He tusked while flipping a page. "We won't have four tributes. They never do the same quell twice. All the quell means is a bigger arena and training centre."

I bit my lip. "Is that what it was like for Haymitch's games? A bigger everything?".

Slendor sighed before folding his paper and giving me a small smirk. "His arena wasn't just bigger, it was beautiful. But deadly. The garden. When you see Haymitch this year don't bring it up, even if you think it'll help our tributes.".

I nodded and fiddled with my teacup. "I wouldn't do that. I've never asked a victor about their games, not even you".

He was still smirking at me. "That's a good way to not get killed". He winked at me. "You and Finnick never talked about it?"

I rose my eyebrows. "About our games? No. Johanna, Finnick and I made a pact to never talk about them in detail with each other".

He snorted. "And how old were you all when you made it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Seventeen"

He nodded. "Never thought about asking Finnick or Johanna what it was like using a weapon to kill someone?". 

I knew he was joking. It was the way his eyes were lit up in amusement. But it was still a sick thing to ask.

I gave him a disgusted look. "They've never asked me what it feels like to burn someone alive, so no."

He smiled and shrugged. "Touché".

I huffed before turning back towards the screen. "I like you better drunk".

He just winked before going back to his paper. President Snow looked down at the card before facing the camera, facing me...

"....As a reminder that even the strongest can not overcome the power of the Capitol. On this the third quarter quell games the male and female tributes shall be reaped, from the existing pool of victors in each district." My heart stopped. "All victors shall present themselves on reaping day, regardless of age, state of health or situation".

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