┊͙prologue ˊˎ -

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U.A High school needs one more person to sign up for the gaming club in order for it to be an official school club. Today was Todoroki's lucky day.


* not proof read *

MIDORIYA ANXIOUSLY STOOD OUTSIDE THE SCHOOLS ENTRANCE, he knew that if he didn't get the last signature by tomorrow after school the teachers wouldn't allow the Gaming Club to be... well... a club.

He knew he didn't have it in him to tell the bad news to his friends, that their pitch for a club flopped simply because he couldn't get one last signature. Midoryia was determined to get someone, anyone to sign up for their club.

"What are you holding?" A monotoned voice snapped the green haired boy out of his thoughts. He glanced up to see his classmate Todoroki Shouto standing before him.

Midoryia smiled, Todoroki was the answer to all of his prayers! He held up the sign up sheet (decorated by Uraraka and himself) to Todoroki's face excitedly "Its the sign up sheet for the gaming club my friends and I are forming! Would you like to join?"


"Wow, that was easy." Midoriya thought.

Nonetheless he handed his pen to Todoroki so that he could sign the form. Barely able to contain his happiness, he did a little happy dance as Todoroki returned his pen "You're a lifesaver Todoroki, you really are!"



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