┊͙chapter one ˊˎ -

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The U.A. gaming club holds their first
official meeting!


*not proof read*

EVERYONE IN THE U.A. GAMING CLUB WAS CURRENTLY preparing for their first official meeting after school. They got permission from Aizawa to leave class early so they could have plenty of time to prepare their club room.

Iida and Uraraka we're setting up the projector, Asui was in the hallway promoting the club hoping to gain some new club members before the meeting, and Todoroki was sitting at a desk with Midoryia, who was writing the topics he wanted to go over today with the rest of the club members.

"I think I've got enough written down, it's only the first meeting after all. What do you think Todoroki?" Midoryia turned towards his dual haired and held out this list. Todoroki nodded "It looks good."

Uraraka faced the duo with a cheeky grin on her face "I didn't know you were interested in video games Todoroki, I for sure thought your dad wouldn't let you play them." She chuckled to herself "Then again, I didn't think Iida would play such gruesome games such as Mortal Combat. I guess you can't judge a book by its cover."

"I've actually never played a video game before, but I watch YouTube videos and streams of people playing video games all the time." Todoroki confess, catching Iida's attention "Why on earth would you join a gaming club if you've never played a video game?!"

"I never said I didn't like them, I'm just not able to play them because my dad thinks their a waste of time. Plus Midoryia looked really desperate while asking me to join so I wanted to put him out of his misery."

His response made Uraraka wheeze as Midoryia started pouting, which only made Uraraka wheeze more "I was not desperate! I just didn't want to have to tell everyone that we couldn't form the club from a lack of members that's all..."

Iida fiddled with the brim of his glasses "I see. What youtubers and streamers do you like to watch?"

"Mostly minecraft youtubers, I like watching the streams where three people try to stop that one really smart guy from beating the game."

"Wait you watch the DreamTeam? I had no idea you were into that kinda thing!" Midoryia exclaimed excitedly, Todoroki shrugged "I don't know why you're making a big deal out of it. I just think they're cool."

Asui re-entered the club room with a sad expression "I couldn't convince anyone else to join our club, kero. I just it's just us this week."

Midoryia smiled watching Asui close the door behind herself "No worries! We'll just have to work on advertising the club another day. Let's get started shall we?"

"Alright, so our official club president is Midoryia, Asui is our vice president, Iida is our treasurer, I'm the secretary, and Todoroki is...well...Todoroki!" Uraraka stated nervously after reviewing all the responsibilities that came with each role.

Todoroki smiled "I'm just happy to be apart of the club."

Uraraka smiles back and continued "And your homework for tonight is to play a video game so we can talk about it at the next meeting!"

"Ah, I just remembered!" Midoryia clearly had a lightbulb go off in his head as he reached for his cell phone "What your chat ID's? I'm gonna make a group chat for everyone in the club."

Midoryia passed his phone around to his classmates so they could all entered their id's. When it was Iida's turn, he saw something that caught his eye and brought Midoryia's phone closer to this face. He glanced at Todoroki, confused.

"Why is your chat user 'shouto noot burnt' when you clearly are burnt. Also you spelled the word 'not' incorrectly. If you are struggling to write basic English maybe you should join the Creative Writing Club!" Iida spoke, not understanding that Todoroki's name was satire.

- i. midoryia


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