┊͙chapter three ˊˎ -

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Todoroki makes his gamer debut on Midoryia & Uraraka's streams and gets noticed by a special someone...


*not proof read*

"Are you this is a good idea Uraraka? What if you lose fans because they don't like me?" Todoroki asked as he fidgeted with buttons on the side of his mouse. "Then they were never my fans in the first place, real fans wouldn't dip over something so silly." She confirmed as she adjusted her headphones "The others should be on any second now!"

Right on cue, Asui and Midoryia joined the discord call "Hello Todoroki! Thank you agreeing to do this with us today!"

Todoroki tilted his head and popped his neck "I don't see why it's a big deal, we're just playing minecraft, right?"

"We are, but Uraraka and Midoryia are streaming. I'm just gonna film it and post it to my youtube channel, kero." Asui spoke while checking her screen recorder, earning a quiet hum from Todoroki.

Midoryia adjusted his face cam and smiled "I'm about to go live, is everyone ready?"

"So this is Hypixel? I thought it would look more bee-like." Todoroki mumbled into his headset. His friends chuckled, they knew he had a tendency to take things literally.

"My chat thinks you're funny Todo." Uraraka smiled as she ran across the map in search of her friends "Where are you guys? I'm over by the BedWars entrance."

Midoryia playfully rolled his eyes "I literally spawned in the opposite side of the map, I'm coming." He paused for a moment "Who's gonna host the party? Make sure to add Todoroki when you make it."

"I'm on it! Todoroki what's your user?" Uraraka chirped "It's Shouto. Make sure the S is capitalized." He spoke walked around the map as he took in the blocky scenery.

The Quartet heard faint snicker "Todoroki please tell me you're not the guy with the steve skin whose slowly walking around in the plaza, kero."

Todoroki furrowed his brows "Steve skin? Who's Steve? How do you change your 'skin'? Do I need to pay money to do that?"

"No Todoroki, just share your screen on discord and I'll help you." Midoryia cracked a toothy grin and held back a laugh. His fans (along with Uraraka's) found "the noob" to be quite lovable, despite his lack of common minecraft knowledge.

Asui and Uraraka were crouching and punching the air back and forth while Midoryia (and his stream) helped Todoroki pick out a nice skin. It was a funny moment for the Quartet, and it became even funnier when Iida joined the discord call.

"Hello fellow gamers! Are you all playing minecraft together or separately?"

"Oh hi Iida! We're all gonna go play BedWars if you wanna hop on and join us. Say hi to my stream!" Uraraka spoke as she continued to crouch with Asui. Iida loaded his game and the server while Midoriya added him to their party.

Iida smiled and waved at his face cam out of habit "Hello Midoryia and Uraraka's streams respectively! It is I, pro gamer Ingenium!"

After a good thirty minutes of Midoryia helping Todoroki learn the basic minecraft controls, Iida reciting the entire minecraft encyclopedia from memory, and the girls trolling thirsty gamer boys in the Hive lobby, they finally prepared for Todoroki's first game of BedWars.

"Crap, there's 5 of us here. The trio team lobby is full and Todoroki probably shouldn't play solo his first game. Are you all okay with doing duo's?" Midoryia the group. Everyone agreed with the duos plan.

"I'll play on the team with the rando," Uraraka offered "I do streams where I carry my fans in BedWars matches all the time, it won't be much different than that!"

Todoroki didn't really know what to make of the situation. Sure, he was excited to see what all the hype was surrounding Minecraft, but he was more excited to see if his beloved streamer would be online.

"And our teams are, Midoryia and Todoroki as the Blue Team, Asui and Iida as the Pink Team, and..." Uraraka paused "Oh! I actually didn't get paired with a rando, it's another streamer whose a friend of mine."

"It can't possible be...that'd be too convenient, surely it isn't-" Todoroki contemplated internally, his eyes widening as he saw Uraraka's team.



quick a/n

i do not intend on continuing this story as a completed book like i had initially intended. it'll probably end up as a multi-chapter oneshot unless i decide otherwise. please respect my decision, im sorry if you wanted more out of this book.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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