┊͙chapter two ˊˎ -

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Uh oh, Todoroki got caught simping 👀


*not proof read*

WHEN TODOROKI GOT HOME HIS FATHER ASKED WHY HE HAD stayed after school for so long. He lied and said that he was helping a friend of his with their homework. There was no way he could tell his dad about the gaming club, he would be pulled out of public school and placed back into the home school program he was in before.

"And your homework for tonight is to play a video game so we can talk about it at the next meeting!"

He needed to get on that. Maybe he could steal his dads credit card to finally buy minecraft. The thought of that made him smile. He would have to wait until his dad went to bed though, so for now he'd settle for watching some YouTube or a streamer.

When he opened the twitch app he saw a that one of the channels was a minecraft streamer. He quickly tapped on their stream and watched with admiration, like a child meeting Santa at the mall for the first time.

"Hello everyone! My name is Amalthea and today im gonna be pimping out another one of my villagers! In my last stream I started working on remodeling the village next to my house in my survival world and y'all couldn't get enough of it!"

She continued talking about how she wanted to make a cute little medieval cafe for the farmers in her village. Todoroki thought it was cute.

He was so caught up in watching her play that he didn't realize her had stream ended 20 minutes ago, and that he was watching one of her older ones from a few weeks back.

Todoroki didn't stop watching the video. He continued to watch all of her old streams (there weren't that many, she was a fairly new channel) until he had watched every single one.

It was now 12:37 am, he had spent the whole evening watching her content. He didn't regret it either.

It was a peaceful Saturday morning in the Todoroki household. Mr. Todoroki was sitting on the couch enjoying his morning coffee and was surprised to see his youngest son come downstairs from his room and sit next to him on the couch.

"Hey dad, is it alright if I borrow your credit card? I need to buy a couple books for my accounting class." The younger Todoroki asked, earning a smile from his father "Oh course son! I'm proud of you for finally owning up to your responsibilities as my successor. Buy all the books you need!"

Mr. Todoroki reached for his wallet of the coffee table and handed his youngest the card "Here you go, now go out there and make me proud!"

Todoroki only nodded, and excused himself so that his father could continue watching his television program. Once he was out of his fathers sight he smiled cheekily to himself.

He didn't have an accounting class.


quick lil a/n

this story is set in a quirkless universe, so UA is just a fancy high school, not a hero school.

okay that's all, i hope you have a great day byeee <3

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