Late Night

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*Unrequested. Lukesse*

Jess sighed. It had been a long day of running the town. All she wanted to do was go back to her apartment and collapse into bed. But apparently fate had other plans, as a knock sounded on her office door right as she was about to leave.

"Come in." She sighed, trying to find the energy to talk to a towns person. To her relief, it was Lukas that entered.

"Hey Lukas. Did you need something?" Jess couldn't hold back a yawn. Lukas grinned.

"Well, I came to see if you had fallen asleep, since you normally leave at 5." She blinked in confusion.

"It is 5." She muttered, continuing to gather her stuff.

"Jess," Lukas started, "it's almost 8." Jess's eyes darted to her clock. Lukas sighed, taking her arm.

"Come on, your sleeping at my place tonight." Jess opened her mouth to argue. He put a finger up.

"You're overworked, Jess. You're staying with me." Jess grumbled in annoyance, but didn't argue.

"Alright. And in the morning, we're gonna see about getting you some help here." Jess rolled her eyes, but allowed him to lead her away.

It ended up not being to bad of a night.

Wooo, 202 words! Somehow even shorter than the last one.
. Imma keep making stories during lunch, and most of the time they'll be in third person, for practice reasons. I'm damn proud of this one to.

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