some clearing up to do

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this is an a/n and basically explaining some things that are cannon in my story that aren't in the original books. at first i was gonna keep everything the same, but where's the fun in that?? also i wanna spite jk rowl*ng


-all of the houselves are paid and free to quit if they please, courtesy of hermione

- astrosia was viatnamise

- cho chang's name is now nicole li and she's asexual; the reason she felt so conflicted over cedric is that she loved him but more as a friend and she felt like she had lost her best friend but also like she was living a lie. she played with ginny in the harpies and still plays, being the best seeker the team has ever seen

- dean and seamus are married and adopt young witches and wizards who got thrown out for being queer. they also moved to denmark and have like, 3 dogs

- Tonks is alive and fell in love with a woman named Elaine (muggle) at around the middle of the fifth book. remus and sirus were dating, and wanted kids, so elaine offered to have sirus' baby that him and remus could raise (this was done through magic and not fucking ok) but then sirus died but they still had the baby to hold on to but then elaine had to terminate the pregnancy becuase she would die if she gave birth, and was heartbroken. everybody was really depressed. elaine and tonks realized they really wanted a baby and remus told them that since they were willing to help them, he wanted to be the dad, so then that's how teddy. she got pregnant right BEFORE the battle of hogwarts, fought in the battle, and remus took an avada kedavra for tonks by jumping in front of her. (Teddys middle name in this is remus for this reason.)

- Tonks took Elaine's last name and changed her last name to her first name, since everyone calls her that anyways. Now she's Tonks Roberts (teddys last name is also roberts.)

- Elaine and Tonks built a small home near shell cottage and helped Bill and Fleur raise their kids and they're basically family now. Teddy would also watch Lily when he was in his teens and she was like 4 so now they're really close.

-Lily in this story is also only a year younger than Albus and got sorted into hufflepuff (idk if it's actually cannon if teddy is in hufflepuff but he is now lmao) and she has a pet cat she found as a kitten literally in the gutter on a family trip to london. (this was over the summer of where cursed child ends). he's orange and his name is shark

- james potter the first, harry, and albus all have really messy hair, right? well that's becuase they acutally have curls but never took care of them so they were undefined. albus figured out how to make his curls really good and now his hair is really fluffy, and his hair got really long, like it's at his chin now, is kinda like a bob? idk. lily also has really curly hair and uses the same hair routine, except hers is bright fuckin orange

- albus 'hates' people touching his hair unless it's lily braiding his hair in dutch braids and he just wants scorpius to play with his hair. spoiler alert scorpius wants to play with his hair really badly

-rose's full name is rosemary. i feel like she would always have to correct teachers

- rose also has a pygmy puff named Jupiter

- luna is a trans girl, and that's part of the reason that she didn't really fit in at school. she's also pansexual

- scorpius always was a bookworm, so that's draco's nickname for him. although, over time it got shorter and shorter and now he just calls his son worm

-draco had a talk with scorpius about how he wants to be called dad instead of father bc it reminds him of dracos father, who was really fuckin bad to him

- also ik it was kinda controversial when a black woman played hermionie since she's white in the books but in this story she's black

- ilvermorny is located in vermont, it's like built into a mountain, but also kinda not? literally just think of the set of Mama Mia! and there you go

- help

i hope all of this makes the story better to understand lmao

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