malfoys have a little chit chat and draco is such and adorabwl dad

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malfloy manor
3rd person pov:

scorpius was in his room, reading. like always. albus had sent him a book on ilvermorny. he never really noticed until this point just how much he cared. like yeah, they're bestiez but the connection between him and albus felt.... different. it felt so much like they were meant to be together. he didn't really understand what that meant, all he knows is that they were meant to meet.

"Mr Scorpius?" a house elf knocked on his door.

"Please, just scorpius. come in!"

The small house elf handed him a letter with green, curvy letters and a wax seal. scorpius could almost leap with excitement.

"the hogwarts letter! thank you for bringing this to me, Cherry."

the blonde boy practically ripped open the letter, revealing multiple pieces of paper, riddled with information he was desperate to know.

time skip brought to you by the honor of gayskull

"so worm, you exited to go to Ilvermorny?"

"i think so? i don't know. everything is just so unknown." scorpius started fidgeting with his fingernails, his anxiety starting to kick in.
"dad, can you tell me about the triwizard tournament when you were at school?"

draco paused for a moment.

"well, first bauxbatons and durmstrang arrived. they were the other two schools."

"i heard bauxbatons is coming this year too!"

"yeah, durmstrang didn't ever want to be part of another tournament again. anyways, then the champions were selected, but they had to be 17. ours were victor crum, cedric diggory and fleur delecour. and harry potter. technically he wasn't sapossed to be chosen? he never put his name in- he never wanted to compete. we never really got to know how that happened. i can't really remember much other than watching the final task- and potter coming back with cedric's body."

"albus did mention someone dying in the last one. this year i think they're doing teams, and making everything less dangerous."
scorpius' breathing hitched.

"i'm gonna miss you so much dad. what if- what if i'm not here for you if you need me, or what if somthing happens to you-"

"i'm sure it'll be okay. please write as often as you can."

the older blonde pulled his now crying son in for a hug.

"i read the letter too, worm. i know you won't be home for christmas."

"i'm sorry. you'll be all alone here-"

"tonks and elaine already invited me to stay with them for the holidays. teddy told them about what's happinging this year. i hear he's even coming to help teach this year! and don't be sorry."

"that's good. i always forget we're cousins."

"so, when are the potters going to diagon alley?" draco changed the subject. talking about family always made him uncomfortable.

"albus send me a letter the other day." the blonde boy smiled to himself. "three days before we leave for school. i think that's a week from tomorrow? thank you for taking me to go with him, by the way." oh, how he missed albus. over the summer he had realized that he might like him a little more than he wants to. he felt his face heat up just a little too fast.

"of course. i'm sorry you didn't get to see eachother over the summer."

"it's okay, dad, really. we were both really busy- it's not your fault."

only a week and a day away from seeing his best friend. he could hardly wait.

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