welcome to hUG CITY BITCHES

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draco could see the energy and nervousness radiating off of his son. the potters wernt usually too late to things, but the malfoys has gotten to the leaky cauldron 20 minutes early, and it had been 10 minutes since their meeting time.
right as scorpius let out a sigh, the door burst open with a handfull of arguning kids and their tired looking parents.
the two hugged for what felt like only a few seconds, but realized it had been a whole minute they had been holding eachother far too tightly in eachothers arms.

"Albus, i can't really breath"

"oh my god i'm so sorry"
Albus let go of his best friend, only to look at him, giggle, and hug him softer.

since when did albus giggle?

"i missed you." he whispered into the blondes ear.

scorpius felt shivers run down his spine. turning a little red, he laughed.

"i missed you too, al."

at that moment the granger-weasleys arrived, and james ran up to hugo and gave him what scorpius could only assume was a 'bro hug'.
rose and lily however, threw their arms around eachother.

is that what him and albus looked like when they hugged?

maybe. there was a lot less laughing, snorting, and squealing.

"i can't believe i haven't seen you all summer!!! you're gonna LOVE fourth year, lils!"
Ever since the end of rose, scorpius, and albus' previous year, rose and lily became closer than either of them were with their own siblings, scorpius noticed.

girls are weird like that. always teaming up against a greater enemy. not that scorpius was complaining, he was honestly kind of jealous of that kind of solidarity. if there's anything that rose had taught him, it's that women support women, and he was happy that at least they had something to count on when the odds were so unfairly stacked against them.

"alright kids, why don't you head out?" ron smiled at draco as he said this. as much as he didn't want to admit it, malfoy was growing on him. ever since albus and scorpius had become friends, the granger-weaslys no longer hated to malfoys. in fact, they were even becoming friends.


"ok, what do we need for this year?" rose asked, arm draped around her younger cousin.
albus pulled out his letter that he had gotten a week prior.
"it really doesn't look like a lot," he responded. "more like just the basic stuff."
"come on, do you acutally read the part of the letter that's not just the list?" lily ripped the letter out of her pocket, and albus and scorpius shared a sort of frightened look. lily had always been such a spitfire, wether that was in the form of passion, or occasionally just being a little shit.
"ilvermorny students this year that's us don't typically get textbooks for their required classes. just the ones theyre taking outside of the core ones! there's also a lot of optional things on here- weather we want to get them now or later is up to us."
"what do you mean later?"
"hugo you too? i would have expected you to read the whole thing." rose smirked at her brother, no real bite in her voice, more of a teasing tone.


while they had discussed everything they needed, and what shops they would stop at, scorpius honestly kind of felt lost. he had never had a sibling dynamic, and the only cousin he really communicated with was aunt pansy's kid, and they wernt even technically related.

the group had started moving forward, and scorpius wasn't even paying attention. he was wayyyy to enthrawled in the whole spirit of diagon alley.

"come on, scorp!" he felt he best friend grab his hand and tug his whole body in the direction they were going.

and then it happened again. their fingers interlocked, and this time without albus even noticing, even though his hand was doing most of the work.

he felt the warmth of albus' hands on his, sending sparks all throughout his body.


this was gonna be a long year.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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