some SPICY fucking annoucments for their next year

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don't get mad at me if there's spelling errors or bad grammer i'm gay and englishing isn't my strongsuit

also this starts at the last meal at hogwarts before the summer of them going into their fifth hear

Albus' pov:

"did you hear that, al?"
i broke myself out of my zoned out state to look at my best friend, who had put his hand on top of mine.

"i'm sorry, what"

"you can't be zoned out for these annoucemts! there's some really important shit happening!"

"i'm sorry- what's going on?"

"next year we're spending our school year at Ilvermorny!"

what. the fuck


"the triwizard tournament! apparently hogwarts hosted last time, and that didn't go so well- wait theyre announcing more on it right now."

"by next fall you have to have your team assembled and send a letter to hogwarts saying who you would like to be with. if you so choose to compete in the tournament, these will be the people on your team. if you wish to not be on a team, you cannot compete. we have learned in the past it is too dangerous for one student alone. teams consist of from 2 to 5 people- but those are the only rules. this will be the team that you are roomed with, as we know traveling to a different country is stressful." The headmistress of Hogwarfs looked on her students, unsurprised to see them whispering to eachother, sharing glances, excitement bubbling throughout the great hall.

a team? well, scorpius always says we're a team.

"The coming first years and second years will be placed in groups of four randomly. however we are happy to make accomadations to those who would like to be in a group with friends- just remember you cannot change once it is set."

all of the first years started murmuring to eachother, even more than they already had.

"in your hogwarts letter will be everything you need to know about this fall. i will be answering any questions before the train leaves after breakfast tomorrow. may the feast begin!" When Magonical's voice got louder, it became more shrill and a little more high pitched. Food appeared on the tables, ranging from chicken and mashed potatoes to pie and pudding.

i looked down to see the hand that scorpius had placed on mine had its fingers intertwined with my own.


blood rushed to my face, and i looked at him. he can't find out.

he just... smiled at me? i didn't take my hand away. i liked it. it fit so perfectly in mine.

"so, team?"

i swear to god scorpius in what would would i say no?


"oh, al, what would you do without me." he joked, and gave my hand a squeeze. oh.

oh no. so he did realize. he knew we were holding hands. how did that even happen in the first place? and why didn't he stop?

i felt my face heat up even more.

i stuffed my face with a bread roll so i didn't have to respond. fuck, these rolls are so good. i wonder if they have this good of food at ilvermorny?

"hey, you don't look too good. are you feeling okay? i get it if you're anxious about next year-"

"promise me we'll see eachother over the summer?"

he pulled me into a hug.

shit shit shit shit i hope he doesn't feel my heart racing.

"i promise."

"and- can we not compete in the tournament?"


"well last time a kid died. i cant loose you."

the last part slipped out of my mouth. i couldn't control it.

he pulled away from the hug and looked into my eyes.

damn. i could never get tired of looking at those eyes.

"it's more you i'm worried about. i'm like, 90% if your impulse control. i won't enter us in the tournament if you promise not to be an idiot."

"but that's my whole personality! ok fine."

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