Promises (A Pokemon story)

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POV - Lucario

I stared at the new batch of eggs in the coup. I grunted at Luxray as she opened the pen.

"How did you find so many?" I asked.

"Dunno. One day, all of the Torrcats who went searching for abandoned eggs each came back with one." Luxray replied, "Examine them and give me a report once you discover something. Make sure they receive the best of care."

"Alright ma'am," I replied.

Luxray exited the farm. I stared at the eggs. Using their apperances to my advantage, I spotted one with the colors of a Riolu and one with the colors of a Ralts. I examined all the eggs and heard footsteps approaching.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me, Gardevoir." A familiar voice said.

"Come in," I replied.

Gardervoir walked into the pen holding a bowl. She put the bowl onto the ground which was filled with Tamato berries. I grabbed a Tamato berry and took a bite. Then the Riolu egg started to shake. Cracks were forming on all of the eggs and all of them were shaking. I closed my eyes and opened them after a few seconds. There were broken egg shells everywhere aand standing next to them were Litten, Riolu, or Ralts.

"That's so cool!" Gardervoir said.

"We'll have to put them out into the fields. Once they evolve they can choose to stay or leave."

I led the pokemons outside, they all scattered the moment they stepped outside. I walked back inside of the pen, grabbed the whole bowl of Tamato berries and walked outside. I sat down on of the hills at the farm and started eating the berries one by one. Once I finished the bowl, I walked back into the main house. The main house had white walls with shelves full of berries and other items. I walked over to the kitchen area and rinsed the bowl. Then loaded the dishwasher. Gardevoir walked over to me, she smiled faintly.

"The Riolu got into the traps the Haunter and Gastly made for fun, they need help getting out." Gardevoir said.

"I'll go help them in a second." I said.

I turned on the dishwasher and checked to make sure I had the right settings on. I walked out of the main house and over to the gates. The Riolu were in a cage made out of pure iron. I sighed and summoned a bone and spun it until it was a glowing blue mass of aura. I striked the cage with the bone, the metal bars fell apart with a CLANG. The Riolu ran out and looked at me with a happy glance and ran back to playing in the fields.

"You're such a showoff." A voice said.

I turned around and saw a Nidoqueen smiling at me, she swiped at me quickly. I was able to jump backward quick enough to not get hit. Nidoqueen spat a blob of poison at me. I rolled to the side and stared as the poison hit a tree. The tree dissolved into power of dust.

"You made a promise!" I yelled.

"I don't keep them." Nidoqueen said, "Now let me kill you so I don't need to ruin my wonderful forest."

"Wait!" Gardevoir's voice called. 

Gardevoir ran over and saw Nidoqueen hit a strike for once.

"Stop!" Gardevoir yelled.

Nidoqueen spat a blob of poison at Gardevoir. Gardevoir tried to dodge it but was hit in the arm. I was still recovering from the slash. Gardevoir yelped and fell to the floor, holding her injured arm. I ran at Nidoqueen and summoned a bone. I spun it and striked Nidoqueen hard on the chest. A large cut mark was on Nidoqueens chest. She ran away into the woods, screaming.

 "You will pay!"

I stared at Gardevoir, she tried to getup and finally after yelping a number of times, she stood.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yea..." She muttered, flexing her arm.

A Gallade ran over and examined the wound. He grunted a curse and looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"What did you do to my sister!" He shouted.

"She did nothing." Gardevoir muttered.

Galade looked at me and punched me in the face. 

"I hate you." He muttered.

"Don't..." Gardevoir muttered and she passed out.

POV - Gardevoir

When I woke up I was laying in a bed made out of warm cloth. The pain in my arm felt worse, Galade was sitting down nearby, the bed was in a room with medical supplies on every shelf.

"Who did this! Was it that Lucario guy!" Gallade asked firmly, anger shook in his voice.

"She's a girl, and no, it was a Nidoqueen." I rolled my eyes.

I sat up and crawled to my feet, Gallade looked at me, worry filled his eyes.

"It's ok..." I muttered.

"No it isn't! You got hit with a super effective shot! You could have been killed!" Gallade shouted.

"You're stubborn as ever." I muttered.

Gallade ran out of the room and closed the door. There was a click at the door and it was locked. I scrambled to the door to bang on it and tried to unlock the door but it was no use. Banging on the door hurt my arm. The pain had worsened. I yelped an fell to the floor. I groaned and lied down on the floor. I tried to breathed in and out slowly to control the pain and closed my eyes. I passed out after a long heavy exhale.

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