💎Hide and Seek(Sapnap)💎

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ooooh boy- more explicit depictions of death, murder, blood, vomit, and some pretty crazy Sapnap!!!


Okay, so this oneshot is inspired by the vocaloid song "Hide and Seek" ! It's very poggers, I'd listen to it while you read this hehe...
(Also I was looking on tumblr under the tag "yanderecore" to try and find a gif for this chap, and I found some mildly concerning things of people actually being yandere and obsessing over their crush like...o h n o.)

"Spin, doin' a spin, spin-y spin spin

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"Spin, doin' a spin, spin-y spin spin." I'd sing to myself, spinning in my gaming chair as I waited for Clay to call me. We were supposed to film a video at 3 PM. I'd stop my spinning for a second to check the time.

"...Eh? 3:10??? Dreams 10 minutes late...Thats unlike him." I'd mutter to myself. I'd quickly roll my chair back over to my desk, pulling out the tray on my desk that hid my keyboard when I didn't need it. I'd quickly begin typing a message to Dream on discord.


yo DreamiePoo~
you're ten minutes late dork, are you ready to record???


what's wrong??


I'd begin to type a message asking if he was okay when Clay started a call randomly. A video call???

I'd scramble to accept it.

"Dreami— Clay. Are you okay??" I'd quickly say, scooting my chair closer to the monitor I had discord open on. Dream would quickly making a shushing motion, and I'd hear foot steps.

"Claaaaaay.....C'mere....I'm gonna kill you." A familiar voice would say cheerfully, and a scraping noise could be heard. I'd quickly realize the situation Clay was in.

Somebody (I couldn't quite place the voice but I knew I had heard it before) was hunting down Clay while he seemed to be hiding under a desk or a table. Though I noticed he had earbuds in, so I could speak freely.

"Dream, if this is a prank, tell me now. Because I'm going to call the police. Shake your head if it's not a prank."

Dream would quickly shake his head as the footsteps grew louder.

I'd scramble to grab my phone.

"Are you at your house?" Clay would nod.

I'd quickly scramble to call the cops, telling them everything I knew. They told me an officer would be on their way as soon as they could, and I'd hang up. I'd look back to Dream who seemed 10x more panicked now.

"They said they have an officer on their way now- are you okay??" I'd say quickly, and he'd shake his head.

"What's wrong? Clay???" I'd say quickly and he'd stay still and quiet.

"GOTCHA." Suddenly someone would yell, dragging Clay out from under whatever he was hiding under, causing him to drop the phone. Clay would begin screaming and yelling, telling the attacker to get off him.

"CLAY??? CLAY?! CLAY ARE YOU OKA—" I was cut off by Clay's screams becoming mangled and then, after a series of 3 loud cracks, then the screams stopped.

"...Clay????" I'd quickly mutter, freaking out. I'd shiver as I heard a strangely familiar laugh, and then the call was suddenly ended.

I'd stare at my PC in shock, before grabbing my keys and phone, then rushing out of my house. I'd scramble to get into my car, instantly driving towards Clay's (thankfully close) house.

As I arrived, I'd rush to the door, scrambling to find the extra key that Clay had given me on my key ring. I'd unlock the door and scramble into the dining room, quickly seeing something terrible.

Clay was sprawled out across the floor, and his legs and head were mangled. It was a bloody mess, and I could barely see the top half of his face with how much blood was there.

I'd kneel over, quickly trying to stop myself from vomiting by covering my mouth.

My blood would run cold and I'd freeze when I heard footsteps from behind me- I'd quickly whip around, and sigh in relief at who it is.

"N-Nick...." I'd say slowly, feeling the tears finally begin to run down my cheeks as I drag him into a hug.

He was seemingly nonchalant about Clay's corpse, and I quickly assume he'd already seen it.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm here now, right? I can call the police real quickly."

"I already called them. I was on the phone with Clay when it happened..." I'd choke out through my sobs, hugging him tighter.

"Mmmm...Alright. Hey, it's gonna be okay now, alright? I won't let anyone hurt you." He'd say, strangely happily- and then he'd laugh at the end.

My eyes would widen as I made the connection.

"You..." I'd say slowly, breaking from the hug and stepping back, making sure to step over Clay's body.

"Hm??" Nick would hum, confused. He'd begin stepping towards me.

"You did that- yo-your laugh. I heard it..." I'd say slowly, my eyes widening as he froze with a terrified look on his face.

"...(y/n)- I—- Come here." He'd stutter at the beginning, before gaining a stern look on his face.

"Wh-What?? N-No. Get away from me...." I'd say slowly as I continue to step away, as he'd begin stepping forwards again, stepping on Clay's corpse.

"(y/n), come here." He'd say firmly, reaching for his back pocket. The second he'd reach for his pocket I'd push him over, running down the hallway and scrambling to Clay's bedroom, locking the door behind me as I scramble to hide. I'd look around, quickly deciding on the closet as I slip in and hide amongst the clothes. I'd slide down to the floor, curling up into a ball as I silently sob, the gravity of the situation finally hitting me.

Within a few seconds, Nick had broken the doorknob to the bedroom with a kick, and was walking in, quickly hunting for me. I'd see through the slats in the door that he was holding a knife.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are...~" He'd say in a singsong tone, twirling the knife in his fingers as he searches the room. He'd quickly check under the bed and behind the door, then under Clay's computer desk. He'd begin walking towards the windows, pulling back the curtains. He'd walk over towards the window next to the closet.

He'd go to open the curtains- then suddenly turn around and slam one of the closet doors open.

"Found ya!"

eeeee short and bad I'm sorry :((
I kinda made the reader an airhead in this (but like same)

We love a Yandere texan man.

ANYWHO I hope you enjoyeddddddd!!! Some poggers Wilbur fluff is up next 😳

hope ur having a nice day!!! I'm not :((

Stay hydrated!! :D



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