💎philza minecraft is among us (Wilbur Soot)💎

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ok yes pogchamp for playing among us.

Alternate title: pogchamp for a date

This was requested by blepuwu !! I hope you enjoy this aaaa I know it's short but,,,,Wilba! ok enjoy ehehe

"Let's see- alrightio, wiring is done!" You'd shout happily, the tab closing as you move your little bean looking character away from the panel and down the left hall

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"Let's see- alrightio, wiring is done!" You'd shout happily, the tab closing as you move your little bean looking character away from the panel and down the left hall. You'd smile and giggle chaotically as you caught a glimpse of Phil's lime green character running ahead of you down the hall, and you'd follow him. He was barely in your line of sight, so you tried to keep up and watch him.

You were playing Among Us with Tubbo, Phil, Wilbur, Techno, Tommy, Scott, David, and Quackity. A very chaotic group to be sure, but a fun one none the less.

"Look at Phil go. Imagine being Philza Minecraft. Just imagine." You'd say jokingly, leaning into your mic. You'd watch him walk into electrical, then laugh.

"You know, I actually trust Phil with my life. I don't think that he's the im—...."

You'd cut yourself off, staring at the bright pink corpse on the ground and Phil jumping into the vent. You'd watch as he hops back out of the vent and his character stares at your character. You were silent for a moment, staring at your screen- until you heard the familiar sound of someone unmuting themself.

"Well this is awkward." You'd unmute as well and begin to laugh hysterically before pressing report.

"PHIL- YOU COULD'VE VENTED AWAY AND HAD AN ALIBI. PHIL—" You'd shout, cutting yourself off with laughter.

"I panicked!" He'd laugh out, and you'd slide back in your chair, running a hand through your hair as you laughed.

"Wait- wait, what happened?" You'd hear Tubbo say over your laughter as you voted Phil and Phil voted too.

"Oh, Techno is dead." You'd hear Scott mutter as your laugher calmed down.

"Jesus Christ— I was just following Phil, and I watch him go into electrical so I follow him— and then I see a dead Techno and watch him jump into an vent. Then he jumps OUT OF the vent and stares at me!" You'd half shout, trying your hardest not to laugh again. You'd hear some of the others break out into laughter, most notably Wilbur, as his laughter was the loudest.

"Alright, get Philza Minecraft off my ship." You'd hear Wilbur say through his laughter, watching him vote. You'd see David and Scott vote as well.

"Wait- how are we sure that it is Phil and not just (y/n) accusing him??" Quackity would say, hesitating before continuing and voting. "I'm skipping."

"Yeah, me too. We can't be sure." Tubbo responds, sighing and voting as well.

"Guys, he literally admitted to it!" Scott would shout with a laugh, and you'd laugh as well.

"Yeah, Tubbo, Big Q, one of you are being a third impostor right now." You'd snicker out, and you'd stay silent as Quackity and Scott began to argue, and time slowly run out with Tommy having still not voted.

"Tommy, vote." You'd urge him, tapping your fingers on your desk, and then realize Tommy was muted. "Oh, Tommy- you're muted."

There was silence for a moment, then the familiar unmuting sound played.

"It's (y/n)." He'd instantly say, and you'd sputter in confusion.

"What- I literally just—"

"It's (y/n)!" He shouts more firmly, voting. The screen popped up, showing that you, Phil, Wilbur, Dave, and Scott had all voted for Phil, Tommy had voted for you, and everyone else skipped. The ejection scene played, and you had turned off ejection confirms so you'd huff, realizing it might be reasonable for the others to suspect you.

You'd sigh as you walked down to admin to finish downloading, almost instantly being cut off by a body report from Scott.

"It's (y/n)!" Tommy instantly shouts, and you'd raise an eyebrow as you watch the screen show that Tubbo had been killed.

"Tommy, we all literally just watched you kill Tubbo!" You'd hear Wilbur shout, and you'd look at your camera in confusion.

"No- waIT, let me explain—"

"Explain??? You literally just stabbed Tubbo right in front of me, Wil, and David!" Scott shouts with another laugh, and you'd hear Tommy laugh as well before clearing his throat.

"Technically I shot him but yknow—" He was almost instantly cut off by your own laughter, along with everyone else's. You'd almost instantly vote, watching as everyone else did too.

"Alright, get Tommy outta here. I will have no screaming children on my ship." You'd say with a slight laugh, earning a chuckle from Wilbur.

"You're cute when you're executing people." Wilbur would say happily, and your face would almost instantly flush.

"I-you—-uh— thank....you??" You'd mutter, extremely confused at the sudden sign of affection from your friend, who you quite possibly simped for.

"Oh- uh yeah, no problem!" You'd hear him half shout awkwardly, and your chat was instantly spamming pogchamps- he sounded just as flustered as you. You'd clear your throat, trying to recover from the awkwardness of his compliment, and both of your replies. You'd hear the sound of someone unmuting.

"....Tommy, is this flerting?" You'd hear Tubbo whisper as Tommy finally voted. Majority vote was for him, and Tommy was the only one voting for you.

"Defo." He'd mutter, and you'd break out into laughter as you watched his avatar float out in space, and then the round end.

You'd smile to yourself softly, getting ready to start another round.

But, as you all talked in the lobby, you were moved to a different channel with Wilbur.

"Hey, (y/n)." He'd say awkwardly with a laugh, and you'd awkwardly laugh as well.

"Hi, Wil."

"Uh- what I said earlier- I meant it! You are cute." He's mutter the last bit, and you'd feel yourself flush. You'd nervously stutter, trying to find your words.

"Uh—thanks, Wil! You too." You'd awkwardly cough out, and then hear him laugh.

"Um- after this, would you want to maybe go to Pizza Hut?" He'd suggest, clearing his throat.

"Oh- sure!"

"Alright, it's a date then!" He's shout, before instantly moving you back to the main channel with everyone else and pulling Techno into the channel with him.

You'd smile as you blush, clearing your throat and muting, then turning to your camera.

"Can we get some pogchamps for getting a date?" You say as you laugh, watching as your chat floods with pogchamps and your "Aww!" emote.


It felt nice to write fluff for a change- usually I'm just writing angst man!! but it's time to go right back to that angst because I'm gonna write an angst Wilbur oneshot next, and the prologue for my new book New Friends, which is a Wilbur Soot x Reader if you haven't checked it out already 👁👁

ok hope you enjoyed ah ha ha I did this in study hall instead of doing my math homework, because I'm gonna do it at lunch 😌

also yes imagine Phil and Scott talking in their accents- am I the only one who loves how they both say "literally" it's like- so satisfying how they say it?? lit-rerally and litcherally



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