✨💎Halloween (tommy and tubbo + minx, part one)💎✨

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the romantic stuff is minx because i simp

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As you sat on the edge of the sink in the familiar high school bathroom with your two best friends, Minx and Niki, you cross your arms and sigh, ranting to the duo

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As you sat on the edge of the sink in the familiar high school bathroom with your two best friends, Minx and Niki, you cross your arms and sigh, ranting to the duo.

"I cannot believe Wil signed me up for this— I mean his older brother and dad are fine, but his little brothers are menaces, from what I've heard." You rant to mainly the purple-haired girl, who was re-doing her eyeliner in the mirror after a certain someone had made her sob by rejecting her, again. (She was fine now however, Niki had calmed her down while you kicked Schlatt's ass.)

"I personally think they're all fookin' cunts, but that's just me." You roll your eyes at Minx's comment, checking your phone for the time.

2:18, the bell for student drivers to leave would ring any second.

"Alright hurry up guys, I'm gonna go wait out in my car for you." You hop off the sink and walk out the door, waving back to Niki as she waves and Minx flips you off with her free hand.

As you walk out of the building and through the parking lot, you swear you feel someone watching you. You shake it off as nothing until you get to your car and the feeling persists. As you open your car door, you glance around.

You see nothing concerning at first, until a shape of white and blue catches your eyes as you spin your head around looking for anyone. You almost instantly whip your head back around to look at whatever that shape was.

There stood a tall, bulky person wearing a Captain Kirk mask and a blue mechanics outfit.

And he was staring directly at you.

Without missing a beat you get into the car and start it, pulling out of your parking spot and parking next to the sidewalk in front of the door you knew Niki and Minx would leave the school from. Just as a precaution you make sure your doors were locked and grab your pepper spray.

You turn back to where the masked man was before, only to see him gone, which put you even more on edge. You continue watching out the back window for where the creepy man might've gone—


You jump in fear and whip around to your driver's side window, seeing Minx tapping on your window with an annoyed expression, and you quickly unlock the doors.

"The fooks got you so jumpy?" She says with mild concern, masked by anger as she slips into the back seat and Niki walks around the car and slides into the passenger seat.

"Nothing I just- I saw some huge fuckin' creep in a gross, dirty Captain Kirk mask. He was staring at me and it made me very, very, very uncomfortable." You say with a sigh, beginning the car and driving out of the driveway, heading toward's Niki's house to drop her off at home, as per usual.

"That's really scary, are you okay (y/n)?" Niki says quietly, an expression of concern present on her face, as you see through your rear-view mirror that Minx seems concerned as well, but the second you look back at her she puts back up her angry persona.

"Yeah Niki, he didn't come near me so I'm fine. Just a bit freaked out about it." You say softly, watching the road and street signs, turning into Niki's street and going straight to her house. You quickly park on the side of the road outside her house and let her get out, waving to her as she waves back and cheerfully walks up to her front porch. You put your face on the steering wheel and groan in annoyance, avoiding the horn as you hear Minx open her car door and move to the passenger seat.

"Oi, are you like- actually okay?" She mutters with mild concern, comfortingly placing a hand on your back.

"Not really. I'm scared about babysitting those children— Like, I'm not afraid of the kids, I can deal with them, but I'm afraid of whoever that guy I saw is. I can tell he means no good, either way." You vent to the purple-haired woman with a sigh.

She sighs as well, comfortingly rubbing your back-- however it was clear she was kind of awkward as she wasn't the best with comforting people.

"Oi-- listen. I'll be just across the street. If anything happens just call me! You're so lucky that Wil lives across the street from me." She says with a comforting smile, wrapping an arm around you in a half hug.

"Yeah, not very lucky for you though." You mutter with a slight snicker, earning a hurt-sounding gasp from Minx, and a punch on the shoulder.

"Oh, you fookin' arsehole!" She laughs out, before leaning back in her seat and buckling the seat belt. "Alright, you have like, an hour before you gotta start babysitting. Let's go get ice cream or something and then when you go to Wil's house you can drop me off."

You nod and unpark the car, driving towards the nearest Dairy Queen.

After about an hour you pull into Minx's driveway and hand her your empty blizzard, and you hop out of your car with her.

"You didn't need to pay for me, Minx." You say with a hum as you close the door and lock the car.

"Eh, well, I did." She says bluntly, before softly smiling. "Call me if anything goes wrong."

"I will, Minx!!" You hum out as you walk around the car to her, to say bye to her— only for her to hug you.

"Mmm, have fun. Love 'ya." She says with a smile. Your face flushes at the blunt words, and Minx breaks the hug and starts pushing you towards the street, before you look both ways and cross the street, heading towards Wilbur's house.

You knock on the beautiful house's door and take a deep breath, awkwardly waiting for Wilbur to answer.

PART ONE! im late by a day for halloween andncjfn


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