I Will Punish You

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"Morning Poppy." Saint greeted.
"Morning Saint."
"Are you taking part in the inter-house competitions?" Saint asked as he took a seat in front of Poppy in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was bustling that morning. Poppy was eating some pastries, fruits and drinking a cup of coffee.
"Yup." Poppy replied.
"In what?"
"Cooking competition of course!" Poppy answered.
"Me too and I am also taking part in the baking competition." Saint stated.
"How about your BOYFRIEND?" Poppy teased.
"SHUT UP! He's not my boyfriend!" Saint said in a hushed tone.
"I beg to differ." Poppy grinned.
"He's NOT my boyfriend Poppy!" Saint repeated adamantly.
"Fine... Roommate?" Poppy asked.
"He's doing... what's the name of that horse riding thingy... Equinox... Race expedition thingy... I'm not sure..." Saint trailed while thinking.
"Equestrian endurance race." Poppy shared.
"Yes... THAT. That is really a mouthful."
"He will win for your house." Poppy stated.
"Is he good?" Saint inquired.
"One of the best in the world." Poppy informed him.
"Really? Wow..... I never knew." Saint was in awe.
"You are a horrible boyfriend to him!" Poppy taunted.
"I'm not his boyfriend!" Saint hissed.
"You cook for him nearly every day. He always finds a reason to eat here in our cafeteria. You don't hang out with us as often cause you would be heading back to you condominium to do only God knows what!" Poppy ranted.
"One, I love cooking! Second, he told me that he likes the food here and third... God knows we do nothing at the condo!" Saint grumbled.
"Nothing?" Poppy asked.
"Nothing!" Saint answered.
"Really?" Poppy insisted.
"Are you sure?" Poppy questioned.
"You have a love bite on your neck!" Poppy pointed at Saint's neck.
"I don't!" Saint grinned.
"You do now!" Poppy pinched Saint's neck while he yelled out in pain.
"What the hell Poppy! It's painful!" Saint grumbled and punched Poppy's shoulder.
"Ha... Ha... Your love bite is forming perfectly."
"What is wrong with you?" Saint muttered as he rubbed his stinging neck.
"Nothing is wrong." Poppy grinned.
"You're are nuts Poppy." Saint shook his head.
"Maybe I am." He continued to grin.
"I hope I can win something for my house." Saint muttered.
"Me too." Poppy replied.
"Good luck to you Poppy and may the best house win!" Saint wished his friend.
"It's a long tradition here at this university. Even my great grandfather was part of the competition when he was here." Poppy informed Saint.
"Great grandfather?" Saint questioned.
"Yeah... King..."
"King?" Saint asked.
"King... Kong!" Poppy shared.
"Huh? What does that even mean? That does not make sense Poppy."
"Your house has the best track record actually... compared to the other houses." Poppy said.
"Alpha?" Saint asked and Poppy nodded.
"How about Bravo, Delta and Charlie?" Saint questioned.
"Alpha has won more championships than the other 3 but the closest contender this year would be Charlie." Poppy explained.
"I heard some students are extremely competitive when it comes to the inter-house competitions and championship."  Saint said.
"True... But I take part because I want to have fun. If I win... cool... If I don't... I am fine." Poppy continued and Saint nodded.
"What breakfast did you make for your boyfriend this morning?" Poppy teased.
"For the thousandth times... He's not my boyfriend!" Saint growled.
"Okay... Okay... Sorry Mr NOT Prince Zee's boyfriend..." Poppy muttered while Saint rolled his eyes.
"What did you make for him... I'm curious."
"I asked him what he wanted... then he told me... SURPRISE ME SUPPAPONG... so I made an Indian breakfast." Saint smiled.
"What was it?"
"Poori and some curried potatoes." Saint said.
"Did Zee... The prince... Like it?"
"He did... he finished everything!" Saint beamed.
"Ha... Ha... You look like a very happy newly-married wife after feeding her newly-married husband." Poppy snickered.
"Shut up! You're an evil man!" Saint grumbled and punched Poppy's shoulder.
"Ouch...." Poppy rubbed his shoulder while pouting.
"You are THIS big and muscular like Prince Zee... Don't pretend that you're hurt." Saint muttered and smiled.
"How do you know he's muscular... Huh???" Poppy asked
"Have you seen anything you shouldn't... Saint?" Poppy smirked.
"NO!!!!!" Saint gasped.
"Hah!!!! Why are you blushing?" Poppy laughed.
"I am NOT blushing!" Saint defended himself.
"You are Saint... Hey... Hey... Have you seen His Royal Highness' co...." Poppy could not finish his sentence when Saint shoved the croissant on Poppy's plate into his mouth.

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