The Handsome Man

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    Saint stared excitedly outside the car window. They were at the main entrance of the King Dusit Royal University College and it was bustling with cars and people. Registration day. He could not help but going ohhh and ahhh looking at the buildings, facilities and of course the people milling around the campus. He thought that it was so cool that he could study at this prestigious college. He had received a partial scholarship from his father's company and that helped a lot with the college fees. Saint felt grateful with what he had. Their family was not poor and at the same time they were not wealthy. They led a pretty comfortable life. To him that was just enough.

His father parked their family's MPV in front of Alpha Condominium where he would be sharing a condominium with another student. Each condominium has a small kitchen, a bathroom and fortunately for Saint a separate bedroom for each. Those were some of the perks of studying in a college under the Royal Academy. Students from all over the country worked so hard to get into these colleges simply because of its benefits and not forgetting the quality of its education. Saint walked into the foyer and was awestruck by the sheer number of people there. He checked his email because the college had sent every information needed for the day for all the students. Saint was reading his email without realising that he was about to bump into someone.

"Saint? Saint Suppapong?" Saint heard a familiar voice.
"Oh my goodness! Tommy! You're here too? I didn't know!" Saint exclaimed.
"Yeah... I'm doing law. You?"
"I'm doing culinary."
"That's cool! You have to make sure to feed me a lot." Tommy joked.
"Not a problem." Saint grinned.
"So... you're staying here for this semester?" Tommy asked.
"As long as I could I guess... because this is the closest student condo to my faculty." Saint explained.
"Alright... my faculty is a little farther down the road but it's not that bad. Do you still use the number from high school?" Tommy took out his phone.
"Yes and how about you?"
"The same."
"Cool... maybe we hang out together sometime?" Saint suggested.
"Sure! I got to head to the Law Faculty. I'll call you later."
"No problem Tommy. It's nice to see a familiar face." Saint said to Tommy.

    Saint read the email again and he knew what to do. He first check his condo number and it was 1-01 meaning first floor and number one. He then check out the counters and saw counter 1 indicating the first floor. He greeted the person at the counter and he managed to secure his keys. After that, he and his parents lugged all his belonging up to the first floor. He wondered if his roommate had already arrived. Saint smiled when he unlocked the door and gasped when he opened it. The condominium was spacious and beautiful. He could not believe his eyes. There was a living room with a flat screen television. He turned to the right and he simply blinked with his mouth open. The kitchen was beyond perfect. There were 4 stoves, a state-of-the-art kitchen counter, a huge oven and the list went on.

"Honey... this is like your dream kitchen!" Saint's mother gushed.
"I know right? The is crazy Mom!"
"It's like MY dream kitchen too!!" She added.
"You'll be so happy here." His mother the hugged him.
"I can cook anything here! I hope my roommate likes to eat." Saint said as he ran his finger on the shiny counter top.
"Which room will you pick?" His father asked.
"I have no idea... let's check them out."Saint suggested.

One room was bare but it had a huge bed, a wardrobe, a study table, some comfortable sofas and a balcony facing the small lake behind the condominium. Saint felt like that he really liked the room and wanted to choose it as his, nevertheless his mother suggested to check out the other room. His father opened it and all of them became speechless. The room had a king sized bed with a thick comforter. On the bed there were numerous pillows of different shapes and sizes. Saint's mother touched the pillow, ran her fingers on the cloth and she made a surprised face. Saint himself had never seen these many pillows in his young life. There was a gaming set equipped with the state-of-art computers and screens. There was a big study table with a huge iMac Pro  and gadgets of all kinds. There was also a separate smaller room that was filled with someone's clothes. They walked quietly into the room and were dazed.

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