I Will Bring Hell

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Saint woke up the next morning on the bed again. He stared up the ceiling and sighed. He knew he slept on the floor the night before and Prince Zee had brought him back on the bed. His stomach protested and he realised that he had not eaten yesterday. He was so angry and disappointed with the Prince that he even forgot to eat. He remembered what Prince Zee said about him needing to eat. Then, all hell broke lose. He was so angry that he even slapped Prince Zee. Saint slowly pushed himself up and stretched his body. Then he slowly turned to the right and gasped when the Prince's face was just next to the pillow he was using. Prince Zee was sleeping while sitting on on floor with his head on the mattress. How many countless times that he had woken up with Prince Zee's face merely inches from him? And how many countless times that he cried when he remembered all those memories?

Pain sliced through his heart. Memories of their lives together. A single tear fell from Saint's eyes. He quickly wiped it off. He stared down at the sleeping face of Prince Zee. How Saint missed seeing his face this close again. He studied the Prince's dark lashes and dark hair. His finger itched to touch and caress them just like when they were together at their condominium. He remembered Prince Zee would wake up and tried bitting his fingers teasing him. He would tickled him sometimes to wake him up for class. Saint smiled sadly as he continued to stare down at the Prince. How they lived had changed. Saint's heart missed a beat as he studied his palms. Prince Zee treated his wounds again. He did not even wake up when he moved him to the bed and let alone when he treated his wounds. Saint could not but wonder how careful Prince Zee must be when he took care of him. Then suddenly Saint shook his head vehemently.

"Don't be nice to me. Don't give me hope." Saint whispered miserably but he could not stop his heart feeling a tinge of happiness.
"Stupid Suppapong!" Saint reprimanded himself.

Saint got down from the bed and walked into the bathroom. He studied his face in the mirror and sighed. Prince Zee's words echoed in his mind. He needed to eat so that when the time came; they could escape together. Saint found a toothbrush and brushed his teeth. He hissed and cursed a few times as the toothbrush slipped from his hold. He then tried his best to take off his clothes because he hadn't showered since the day he was kidnapped. Saint cringed when he noticed how smelly he actually was. When the warm water hit his body, Saint did not even realise how much he needed the warm shower. He sighed and slowly took his time to cleanse his body and shampoo his head. Again, he groaned a little when his palms stung from the shampoo and soap he was using. He hated it and quickly rinsed his body. There was nothing worse than feeling the sting on his palms. Saint found 2 towels hanging on the wall and decided to take one. He wrapped his lower body with it and opened the bathroom door. Prince Zee was already sitting on the bed and he immediately stared at Saint.

"Morning." The Prince greeted him.
"Good morning." Saint replied. Then, there was silence as the two men continued to stare at each other.
"About last night..."
"Let's forget about that?" Saint suggested. Prince Zee looked at Saint and then he rather reluctantly nodded.
"As you wish." The Prince whispered.
"Let's forget about everything that happened between us Your Highness. It's in our past... We have to move on with our lives." Saint murmured. Prince Zee continued to look at him.
"I'm sorry that I slapped you last night... Your Highness." Saint continued.
"I deserve more to atone for what I have done to you Saint."
"As I said... It's in our past." Saint's voice began to break.

Prince Zee stood up and walked towards Saint whose eyes were brimming with tears. As he got closer to Saint, his tears fell. The Prince carefully wiped his tears and gazed into Saint's eyes.

"Please don't cry Saint." Prince Zee whispered.
"If you want me to forget you... I can never ever do that Saint. I'm sorry..."
"But if you want to forget about me and the terrible things I have done to you... I would understand Saint."
"I do." The Prince held Saint's face and stared longingly at him.
"Forgetting you would mean I would lose the most important part of my life Saint. Please believe me." Prince Zee went on as Saint drowned in the Prince's eyes.
"How... How can I erase you from my life? From my memories?" Saint whispered as if he was begging for answers.
"I don't know Saint..." Prince Zee answered.
"I want to forget. I want to erase you from my heart... I tried... but I don't know how." Saint cried.
"Saint..." The Prince gathered Saint in his arms and held him.
"I want to forget... I don't want to remember..." Saint's body trembled in Prince Zee's arms.
"I wish I could make all the memories disappear... I wish I could take away all the pain that I have caused you... You don't have to forgive me Saint. I just want you to be happy. To live your life to the fullest." The Prince murmured.
"After all of this is over... When you are safe... I promise that I will leave your life and I will not cause you anymore pain. I will pray that you will find someone who is worthy to be loved and cherished by someone as wonderful as you Saint... You have the most wondrous soul... You deserve the world Saint." Prince Zee's voice cracked.
"You just have to know that... I have always loved you. I love you from the moment I saw you. From the moment you came into my life." The Prince whispered.
"I will love you till the day I die Saint. You have to know this. And for me to hurt you, is utterly unforgivable." Prince Zee wrapped his arms tighter around Saint.
"Be happy for me Saint. Smile for me. I am so sorry that I exist in your life to only cause you pain." The Prince looked crestfallen as he slowly pushed Saint away from his embrace.
"Be happy for me Saint." Prince Zee whispered again while wiping Saint's tears.

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