Save Him

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    After Ohm's men blindfolded both Prince Zee and Saint, they were taken out of the room. Prince Zee listened to the sounds around them and also the difference in their surrounding. Before they got into a vehicle, the Prince noticed that the atmosphere was extremely hot and humid. It was as if they were in a concrete jungle instead of a far away place in the rural areas. He always thought they were in the rural area. Not only that, Prince Zee also noticed the moment the stepped out of the building or house; it was noisy. Cars blaring. Could they be in a city? The Prince questioned. When Prince Zee and Saint found themselves in a vehicle; the air conditioning was rather overwhelming as it was blowing at full blast. Cold air enveloped them. The Prince tried to find where Saint was sitting. His fingers touched cold metals first and then he knew that the metals were Saint's handcuffs. Saint was sitting next to him in the vehicle. Judging from how spacious the vehicle was; they could be in another MPV.

"Your Highness?" Saint whispered sounding petrified.
"I'm here Saint. I'm here... Don't worry." Prince Zee tried coaxing Saint my rubbing his cold fingers.
"There... There..." The Prince's warm hands enveloped Saint's fingers as if trying to give him all the warmth he needed.
"Your Highness?" Saint's shaky voice could be heard again.
"It's me... You okay?" Prince Zee asked him gently.
"Yeah." Saint murmured.
"Breathe Saint... Focus on your breathing..." Prince Zee coaxed him.
"Okay..." Saint replied.
"I'm sorry that he shot you." The Prince whispered.
"It's my fault Saint." Prince Zee felt extremely guilty for causing Ohm to shoot at Saint.
"It's okay... Remember what you told me?" Saint asked him.
"What did I tell you?"  The Prince queried.
"Focus on the positive." Saint answered.
"You're right." Prince Zee could not help but smile.
"I'm good Your Highness." Saint told him even though his voice was still quivering.
"Your hands are freezing!" The Prince continued to rub Saint's hands.
"I know... But I'm fine." Saint tried convincing Prince Zee.
"You two make a perfect couple you know?" Ohm's voice filled the car.  Saint's body became rigid. Prince Zee continued to held Saint's hands tight.
"You have nothing to say Your Highness?" Ohm asked Prince Zee. The two simply kept quiet.
"Ahhh... You two learn very fast too." He giggled.
"By the way... This is going to be a long journey." He added.
"You can take a nap if you want to."
"Don't worry... I don't usually attack people in their sleep... Or when they nap." Ohm shared.
"Usually..." Ohm muttered.

Saint squeezed Prince Zee's hands as if his life depended on it.

"Don't listen to him." Prince Zee assured Saint.
"O... Okay." Saint whispered.
"Think about our parents." The Prince suggested.
"Or the kittens." Saint replied.
"Or your desserts." Prince Zee added.
"Or... Ali." Saint continued.
"No... Not Ali." The Prince grumbled.
"Or Tul." Saint said.
"Why him?" Prince Zee questioned Saint.
"He is my idol." Saint informed the Prince.

    The two ceased talking but held on to each other. Sometime along the journey Saint put his head on Prince Zee's shoulder. Saint murmured that he was scared but the Prince tried to calm him down. The Prince on the other hand was alert because of his training. Even when he could not see because of his blindfold, there were still things that he could sense. Ohm and his men were driving rather smoothly in the traffic. Prince Zee could sense that they stopped numerous times and they were not driving that fast. The sound coming from around them too surprisingly was noisy even though the vehicle was able to block a lot of sound from the outside; the Prince could still detect other things.

    Initially he thought that Saint and him were locked up somewhere near the jungle or a town far from any cities. The Prince realised that he could be wrong. They could be in a city. There were some pros and cons of having the exchange in a big city as Ohm and his men could easily disappear with the crowd. Nonetheless, at the same time they could use the multitude numbers of CCTV around to hunt them down. Prince Zee wondered which city in Thailand they were in. Bangkok? Samut Prakan? Could they still be in Chiang Mai? Nonthaburi? Questions circled in the Prince's mind. Ohm and his men were quite daring in their mission to get their leader back. This was an extremely calculated risk on their part. If the father and son could escape from the Royal secret Service, the Prince vowed that the moment he was free; he would hunt them down and take their organisation down for good.

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