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12:30 am / Stanley's POV

Bill's head begins to fall forwards. "Hey...come on. Let's go lay down okay?" He nods gently and we walk down the hallway.

"I'll be right back okay?" He doesn't reply as he falls asleep instantly.

—Earlier while making the fruit

Bill rests his head on the table, his breathing slows.

"You know...I've missed you. A lot. I thought of you every day. I worried if you were okay or not. I overthought a lot too." I whisper grabbing a bowl from the cabinet.

"Any time you posted I would look at it. Forcing myself not to comment or like it, knowing I would probably text you right after. I cried most of the time. That time you and Patty danced to my favorite song, I liked to think you were thinking of me when you were dancing to it. It didn't seem like it." I sigh.

"I love you, Bill. I hope you know that." I whisper gently, making his fruit how he likes it. Treating him like a child. I don't mind.

I love him.

—Normal time

I stare at him for a second before leaving the room. He must've felt my presences leave as I wash the bowl out, I hear his whimpers and fast breathing.

"S-stan? S-Stan?" His voice becomes louder as he lays in the room. Leading me to drop the bowl.

His whimpers become louder as I speed walk to his room. "No...No no!" He sits up pulling his knees up to his chest. His arms around his head.

"Hey...hey. It's okay. I dropped a bowl. Everything is okay. Lay down okay?" I whisper into his ear as my arms wrap around him.

He doesn't even lay the correct way in the bed. He pulls me with him, I quickly pull the blanket over us whilst his arms wrap around me tightly.

I kiss his cheek gently as he falls asleep slowly. My head against his chest. His heartbeat slow but steady.

Love at First Dare // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now