Chapter 4

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You guys know the drill, triggering events and obviously a bit of blood involved.
Last I checked this book was for 18 and higher, meaning if your under the age of 18 this book is not for you. Don't say I didn't warn you also this book is clearly going to continue triggering some messed up stuff so please don't continue reading if you have a problem with that.)

Eliza's Pov.... Trigger warnings...Duh...

I whimper and cringe in pain as I regain consciousness.
I hear nothing but muffled yelling as I force my eyes open and I look at my surroundings. 
My tears fall down my cheeks as my head begins pounding and my body just screams in searing pain as I lay there at the bottom of the steps in the basement.
Groaning I slowly turn onto my knees and gently as I can stand up and climb back up the stairs only to find the door was unlocked.

Falling back into old habits I leave the basement keeping my head down and go into the bathroom to clean myself up.
I can't help but gasp as I look into the mirror seeing multiple patches of blood in my hair that had clumped and dried together.
I also noticed my once gray long sleeve shirt now completely stained with my blood.

Sighing to myself I slip out of the bathroom and rush towards the upstairs, only to have my arm grabbed roughly and jerking me back.
Feeling myself getting slammed into a wall and whimpering as I receive a sharp slap on my cheek causing my site to flicker.

"Where do you think your going brat?!" My father growls.

"My father, of course my luck would run out."  I think to myself and brace getting ready for his next onslaught.

"WELL?!" He questions getting rougher with my arm still caught in his grip.

" up..s..sir." I explain as best as I can.

"Last I checked I didn't give you permission to do that." He says eerily calm.

"S..sorry..sir..I." I was quickly cut off with a fist to the side of my head causing me to drop to the floor and cry.

"YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT AN APOLOGY?!" He shouts and kicks my ribs and in that second I swear I hear a loud sickening crunch as his steel toed shoe makes contact with my side over and over.

All I can do is cry and beg for forgiveness as mind numbing pain shoots through my body.
I taste metal so clearly means my mouth is bleeding somewhere and my breathing is getting worse. I curl up into a ball as he continues kicking me.
I can't even hear what he is yelling about now the pain is just too much for me to deal with let alone what he is lecturing me about. 

I continue to cry as it feels like minutes turn to hours and hours to days.
I couldn't even move away from the puddle of blood opening my gunshot wound under me as he continued yelling and kicking at me.
What did I do to deserve this?
That same question that I have been asking since all of this began.
What and why have been the two most frequent questions that has plagued my mind for a long time. 
I look up one last time to the man I called my father before everything goes black, "Jackson help me." I groan.

Time skip 32 hours 

Still Eliza's Pov

I whimper in pain as I slowly regain consciousness and hear a knock at the front door,
I crawl over to the door tearing up as I feel all of my pain coming back to me, I manage to open the door and see my neighbour Eric had returned early from his vacation with a woman I'd never seen before. 

(Bio, Name Eric Finley, Age 35, height 6'5, muscular build, Hair dirty blonde, Eyes green, Skin caucasian, Occupation unknown.)

They both gasp as they see me the woman rushes over to check me out ensuring I'm alright

"Hun are you alright?" she asks and all I can do is sit there as she gently checks me over
She lightly presses against my stomach causing me to groan and tear up once more.

"I know doll let me just see if anything is broken." I whimper as she reaches my ribs and put  significant amount pressure on them causing a weak yelp from me.

Eric does a quick introduction to his new wife Alexandra.

"Eric we need to get her to the hospital immediately." Alexandra says with urgency.

(Bio, Name Alexandra Finley, Age 30, Height 5'5, Eyes baby blue, Hair black, Skin olive.
Occupation unknown.)

"Agreed, but one problem love." Eric says concerned.

"And that is?" Alex asked a bit annoyed at his hesitation.

"Her parents, it's obvious she is being abused. Look at her neck, and her face." He says bluntly.
"If we take her to the hospital she is going to be discovered by her parents."

"I don't care!" Alex snaps at him.

"Well you should." he retorts, and continues.
"Her father is a cop, and her mother is a teacher, we don't exactly have the money for taking them to court nor for a lawyer." He tries to reason.

"Then we can call my sister." She says with a smile. 
Eric thinks for a bit before nodding in agreement.

"Come on hun, we are getting you out of here." She says gently reaching her hand out for me to take it.

"I can't walk." I whisper. She frowns and opens her arms.

"We are taking you to my sister's place.
May I carry you sweetheart?" She asks gently.
I nod my approval and she gently picks me up bracing me against her chest.

The look of shock is clear on her face as she notices how light I am.
Probably thinking how underweight I am.

I blush and hide my face against her chest, as Eric looks around for anything I might want to bring with me.
He looks confused when he doesn't find anything of value to me, other than my bag on the floor in the closet.
Shaking off his confusion he steps out onto the porch.

"Let's go." Eric rushes as Alex takes us to their old house and apparently to her car.
She has Eric open up the backdoor to her nissan altima 2008 and slides in with me still in her arms.
She Soothes my wimpers of pain by gently rubbing small circles on my back, as Eirc gets  into the driver's seat and starts the vehicle. 

"Why did you guys come to our house?" I ask her rather weakly.

"Well we wanted to say bye to you guys before we moved and to ask you where your car was, good thing we did."Alex smiled sweetly.

"Where were you guys planning on going?"I ask curiously.

"I believe you meant to say we kiddo." Eric says with a smile causing Alex to roll her eyes playfully.

"Don't tease her dear." She lightly scolds.

"I meant before you decided to take me with you". I explained. 

"To answer your question, we are moving next door to my sister and her wife's place sweetheart." She answers happily.
 I nod slowly and yawn, causing Alex to coo quietly.
"Get some rest sweetie you clearly need it," she says causing me to whine a bit and squirm against her hold.
"None of that now little one."She laughs gently.
"Now sleep, we have about 19 hours of driving to go hun."she hushes me gently and tells me to close my eyes......

(Sorry about the wait guys, just really busy with my job, it has a lot of paperwork involved. I often find myself sleeping on my office couch. Don't knock it until you try it, my couch is really comfy. Moving on, I'm far from done with this book so no worries, unless you want a happy ending then worry, or don't worry it might be a happy ending this book will certainly keep you guessing. Let me know what you guys think, and as the title suggests if you don't like it don't read it, no need to put anyone down if they choose to read it.)

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