Chapter 5

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Trigger warnings, Duh.

Morgan's POV

My heart raced as my gps fluctuated then completely cut out.
Luckily I was only a few minutes away and could see a couple of vehicles on the side of the road.
I reached an old black mustang clearly aged badly with rusted spots on the car and the back looked like it had been hit in a collision.
Eliza's signal was in there, I quickly got out of my car only to see another pulling away.

Rushing over to check on the car.
My heart drops when I don't see her in the vehicle.  
I was in tears after finding the phone was busted and in a small puddle of blood on the concrete. 

I rushed back to my car grabbing my purse and pulled out my emergency phone dialing the one person I knew who could find anything or anyone from my less than legitimate days.

"Helps to be an ex arms dealer." I mumbled to myself as I heard the phone ring.

A few moments later I still hear ringing, rolling my eyes I hang up and call again.
Finally, Hearing a groan and a quick growl answer the phone.

A/N C is our mystery man, and M is Morgan.)

C "Ugh! What do you want?!" The voice hisses.
Narrowing my eyes I reply calmly.

M "I thought you of all people would want to hear from me." He groans.

C "The arms dealer." He says bluntly.
My eyes widen in shock and surprise that he remembers me just by voice recognition 

C "I suppose you have always kept your end of our deals every time we have done business together." He sighed, brining me out of my thoughts.

He clears his throat and jumps straight into information he needs and of course the price negotiations.

C "Kill, capture, protect, rescue, or steal?" He lists off his services every time he starts a contract.

C "Terms of service varies on the job and payment, blah, blah, blah, you know all of this Morgan,
Is it really worth repeating?" He asked bluntly, causing me to smirk.

M "You know the rules of business Contractor." I reply mocking his bluntness.

He lets out an over dramatic sigh, followed by a short "Fine."

C "Where was I?" He mutters.
C "Oh, yeah..." He continues.

C "Terms of service varies on the job and payment method.
Payment method also varies on the job.
Killing or Assassinations require more than standard payment, which is in the form of blood.
The more kills the more blood on top of the standard money fee.
Should you only desire to pay in blood then that is permitted and the price remains the same, However if you want to pay with only money than the fee is doubled." He pauses, then sighs. 

C"This part doesn't apply to you Morgan.
I owe you for this so forget the payment, I just need the blood, and of course I'll fill you in on the consequences portion of not keeping your end of the contract, though it as well doesn't apply to you...."
M"Thank you." I reply, not knowing what else to say. 
"Again he surprises me, what changed since we went our own separate ways?" I think to myself.
C Yeah, yeah, moving on." He continues.

C"Under Normal circumstances the contract breaks if you don't uphold your end of it, such as not paying me the full amount upon completion of my end of the deal not enough of it, or just downright not doing something I asked in order to complete my end of it.
Consequences consists of I kill you, or I simply undo the work I did for you."

(A/N You're probably wondering how such a person can just up and undo such things, if you want to get technical, several things can be undone, like, abducting someone would basically be just putting them back where they found them right? Same with pretty much everything else just remove what you did then there you go, now I know most of you are thinking that's not as easy as it sounds, and you're correct, but this is a book and anything can happen, I know you guys are also thinking how can he undo an assassination, but again this is a book, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! Keep that in mind and enjoy the rest of this chapter.)  

C "Morgan as i said you're clear of any of this but the blood I will require."He reiterates.

M "I heard the first time old friend." I say gaining a chuckle from him.

C"Now then your location please." He says as I hear him gathering some things.

I quickly give him my location and hang up as I sit in my car waiting for his arrival.
Tears swell up in my eyes as the evenings events start crashing down on me, I look at my main phone and notice 6 missed calls and 8 messages on my other phone.
Looking at the time I realize I have been on the phone for 3 hours.

I grab my phone and open the messages from my wife.
I quickly call her back and within seconds she picks up.

(A/N Morgan is M and her wife is W. I have to keep somethings from being told right away or it will be boring...For me at least. ; ) Also if by now you don't know M for is Morgan then this book is clearly not for you. also you better be 18 or up, possibly 16 and up but follow the rules and guideline of this site and or app.)

W "Morgan where are you?!" She questions worriedly.

M "Babe She's not here."

W "What are you talking about?" She questions, which makes me rather upset.
How can she just forget the reason I'm out here?

M "I'm talking about Eliza is not here at her car and her phone is broken and in a puddle of blood!"
I exclaim getting more upset the more I think about it.

W "Love calm down just listen a se-"

M "CALM DOWN?!" I cut her off.



W "Are you done?" she asks patently. Taking a deep breath I reason with myself that she is just trying to help.

M "Sorry love I just want her with us and safe we know little to nothing about her living conditions but they can't be good because Jackson had a plan to bring us together." I say as tears stream down my cheeks.

W "I understand completely babe, and I also know I don't want to lose Eliza to, we lost Jackson we aren't losing her to."
You need to trust me when I say my sister called saying they had Eliza with them and she doesn't look good but they have her." 

M "Wait what? Since when?" I asked incredulously.

W "Since 3 hours ago when I tried calling and texting you...Yeah...Pick up your phone next time babe." she laughed. I didn't care I was filled with relief and overwhelming joy.

M "I love you so so so so much babe." She laugh her wonderful laugh.
In that instant I fell in love with her all over again for the thousandth time.

W " Yes love I know I'm amazing and the best thing that ever happened to you." She joked.

M "2nd best now my love, we are getting our baby!" I remind her and  laugh. Imagining the cute way she pouts puffing up her cheeks.

W "Maybe you'll be sleeping on the couch for the next few weeks." She says with a smirk in her voice.
M "Babe you wouldn't dare." I say calling her bluff.

W "Try me." She challenges

M "Alright alright I give....for now." She just hums in thought.

W "Morgan come home they will be here in a few hours."

W "Alright I just need to make a quick call, I'll be there in an hour, I love you." I say and she returns the love then hangs up.

Reaching into my pocket I pull out the emergency phone and quickly call my contact.

C "Really Morgan?" Not even 20....okay nevermind not even 2 hours and you call, screw it, what's up M?"

M "We have the person we need but I need to know what happened in precinct 17...

C "That info will cost quite a bit M, that's not info I just release willingly that is rather dangerous for any that is incompatible with my blood."

M "So it revolves around you?"

C "Simply put I am rather dangerous and the few that know of my existence knows it as well."
Don"t get involved Morgan.
This is above our friendship meaning not even you are permitted to know that much about me.

M "What if I told you it killed a close friend of mine?" He sighs.

C "You won't like the results, you're practically begging to lose everything you hold dear to you."
C "I'll be in touch to confirm your desire, choose wisely or you could lose everything, your wife, your friends, even the children you love so much."

M "Thanks for the heads up." I sigh.

C "You won't be thanking me if you proceed, you will be begging me to remove you from the Hell you put yourself in, and I'll do my best to do so, but what will be lost in the process?" 

C "Goodbye Morgan I hope we never have to see each other again." He says grimmly and hangs up. 

Confusion now plagues my thoughts as I begin the drive home.
But my thoughts quickly change from confusion to joy.
Getting more excited now more than ever now that we have Eliza, I'm terrified of her health seeing as my wife said her sister found her in bad condition but hopefully she will recover quickly...

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