Chapter 6

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(A/N I'm going to be writing more 4th wall breaks throughout the story and basically experimenting on this chapter with them.
I'll also be interacting with characters directly and they will interact with me and I'll be writing more books after this.
 Heads up this is an experimental chapter so let me know what you think, if you're too shy feel free to message me directly.
 Any haters out there, if you don't like this book Don't read it, it's probably going to be titled on all of my books, because some people clearly don't realize that you have the choice to put the book down...Er click back or something.
To those that like my book or are writers yourselves, a tip to ignore the haters is simple, write for yourself. 
Make yourselves happy with your own work, doesn't matter if everyone hates your work if you enjoy it then you do you.

You have the power your haters have nothing but a sharp tongue and are likely jealous of you in someway
If a person hates then there is at least one that loves your books, and finally I would love to hear ideas in future books I'm rather open minded so feel free to suggest or just want to talk to me feel free to do so.
PS. Any 4th wall breaks will be in the form of

(A/N "With Quotation marks and bold words" and finally close parenthesis.")
(No A/N"Characters will be in a similar fashion and italic words along with the quotation marks and opening and closing parenthesis.") Back to the story.)

Morgan's POV

I exclaim. 
Pulling up the driveway I arrived home eager to get the house ready for my baby girl.
Though now that I think about it my wife must be as excited as I am for this.
I open the door to my car and grab my purse and phones hiding the emergency cell inside a hidden pocket within my purse to ensure its safety. 

My wife has always know what I once was and what I use to do but she loves me regardless, and she's always insisted that she has done far worse, I couldn't possibly imagine my wife doing anything wrong, looking back at it I don't even think she ever got a speeding ticket so It certainly leaves me baffled.

("Oops forgot my own bio, I blame the writer of this book.")
("Come on sweetheart they need my Bio, but save my wife's bio for later please.")

(A/N "Yes, ma'am, sorry.") 

("It's okay sweetheart, and no need to call me ma'am it makes me feel old hun.
Just continue to call me Miss or Morgan kiddo.")

(A/N "Yes ma' morgan..")

("Hehehe Your adorable hun but back to the bio.")

(Bio, Name Morgan Summers , Age 32, Height 5'8, Eyes Amber, Hair Black, Skin light olive, Occupation Owner of a phone corporation.)

I step out of my car shutting the door and walking up the stairs to the house as quickly as I can, stopping as my wife opens the door rushing past me reaching for my arm as she goes.

"Babe what's up?"
I ask shocked by her sudden stop at the bottom of the steps, thrown off by how quick she faces me with a look of dread.
I feel my heart beat heavily as a sense of unfiltered fear wash over me.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I need to get to the hospital, It's Eliza she is not going to make it if I don't."
The second she mentioned the hospital and Eliza I felt my face pale and my heart felt like it was breaking with each pump of blood rushing through it.

"Morgan come on."
She pulls on my arm and get's me into her car and starts taking off to the hospital 20 minutes away.

"W...What happened?" My voice cracked as tears swelled up threatening to spill.

"My sister called me, she said Eliza looks significantly injured a few broken ribs and bruises but should have been fine other than that until she vomited blood on the way.
Eliza then told Alexandra that she shot herself as a way to defend herself in the courts to show the abuse but that clearly backfired."

She continued as we turned down the road to the last 5 minute to our destination.

"Eric called ahead to the hospital letting them know about the situation and to keep this visit off the records by orders of Alexandra, he then said he needed me to perform the surgery because I'm the only one experienced enough with gunshots."
She said finishing her explanation as we pulled up to the hospital staff parking.

"Be gentle with her please." I manage to get out before tears streamed down my face.

"Babe she is our baby girl, of course I will be gentle."
"Now she is almost here the ambulance and a police officer met them halfway here so they will be here any moment, Alex rode with her to ensure her care to the fullest extent."
She said gently pulling me into a hug and kissing my tears away as best she could.

After getting out of the car I went into my wife's office to wait for her.
Hearing sirens getting closer and a rush of people in the hallways yelling for surgery to be prepped.
I looked out in the hall as I see them rush a gurney past the office with a small frail broken pale little girl.
She couldn't have been older than 5 and she was sobbing heartbreaking sobs making me want to rush into the examination room and hold her tight while telling her it would be okay.
Just as I was about to leave my Wife's office she rushed in causing me to stumble back with a gasp as she reached forward to catch me.
She smirks and looks at me causing me to roll my eyes.

"You know curiosity killed the cat." She says smirking.

"Don't you have a surgery to prepare for rather than taunt your wife?" I deadpan, while she just laughs.

"That is what I'm doing but the paperwork is on my desk." She says reaching behind me and pulling a file.

"Oh and apparently she has a vast medical history full of broken bones arms legs and even some concerning spinal damage."

"Speaking of the poor sweetheart hasn't stopped crying for you babe, while we are busy preparing for the surgery can you go and comfort her, she is scared." My wife said solemnly.

I quickly nod and ask where her room was and was shocked to find it was the same room that I saw the gurney moved into, quickly realizing that the small girl I saw that was rushed past me was indeed Eliza.
Taking a deep breath I head into the room with the sobbing girl.
I open the door seeing her puffy red eyes and her small body, had my wife not said this was her room I wouldn't have believed that this tiny thing was Eliza.
She continues sobbing and looks up at me with her puffy red eyes.

"" She asked causing my heart to clench at her voice sounding so defeated and broken.

"Shh oh sweet girl it's me Morgan summers." I say giving her a gentle smile and I walk over to her standing by her side.

"M...Morgan?" She questioned. I gently nod as I reach down and grab her tiny hand gently rubbing it and placing a kiss on it.

I watch as she visibly relaxed and her sobs turned to tiny whimpers and sniffles.

"Oh sweet girl what possibly happened to you?"
"Who would be so cruel to do something like this to someone so perfect and beautiful as you little one?" She just closes her eyes and falls asleep while I stand there.
I look over her body seeing tape on her arm and an IV sticking out of her left arm.
Noticing the bruises and the scars I can't help but  feel broken.

"You poor thing, you're just a child, you sure as hell don't deserve this." I say more to myself than the sleeping girl, as tears stream down my face.

Fifteen minutes later my wife walks in wearing her uniform and walks over to me and gives me a hug while I just bury my face against her crying quietly.

"Babe I know it's hard to see her like this but we will do everything possible for her.
Our biggest concern is...The bullet might still be in her shoulder, if we remove it we can patch her up and reset her ribs to help her breathe better."
I just nod slowly and wipe my tears as I pull back.
I watch as a few nurses walk in and move her out of the room as my wife plants a quick kiss and follows after them heading to the OR. 
I walk back to my wife's office to wait on the couch she had in there.
The door opens and in walks Alexandra.

"Hey, want to go watch the surgery in the viewing room?"

"Am I even allowed to watch, I thought that was reserved for students." 

"Helps when I own the hospital and my big sister is the best Trauma surgeon I've ever met." She says with a giggle.

"I still don't know why she gave up the hospital to you Alex." She playfully rolls her eyes.

"I'm surprised you still haven't figured it out by now." She retorted.
"It's really quite obvious, Morgan.
My sister loves you so much that she was willing to give you her time and care."
She walks over and sits besides me wrapping me into a hug.

"Morgan your part of the family now you really need to accept the fact that we all love you, and now I'm going to have a Niece!"
She exclaims happily, while I just laugh.

"Thanks for helping me feel better." I say with a small smile.

"Anytime sis, but now you have to tell mom." She says with a smirk.

"Or we let her settle in first." I quickly say, Alex laughs and stands up stretching.

Just then a loud blaring goes off and a voice announces a code blue in Operating room 3.

"Eliza!!!" I exclaim rushing out of the room and down the hall.....



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