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Jimin sat inside the limo with his parents looking outside the window he was upset, his whole life was basically controlled by both his mother and father they never let him go anywhere not even outside their garden

He wasn't allowed to leave the house unless it was necessary or an emergency is what they would say every time he wants to go out

All his life he spent inside his house being by the window wondering why on earth his parents are keeping him inside like a prisoner

Every time he would ask questions his father would avoid the the conversation or change the subject and his mother would say it's best to stay inside then go back to their normal routine

Jimin was eager to know the reason behind it since his parents weren't telling him anything so he started sneaking out at midnight but he was always caught trying to leave by the guards

Yes guards.

He was raised by rich parents getting anything he wanted money for them was nothing they were never worried about running out. What a dream

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth getting the best clothes, food, toys. He was even dropped off to school by a limo every single day getting the other kids attention and teachers

It was a fun childhood until he started getting older he realized that going outside was their parents greatest fear. It didn't make sense to him why his parents would start panicking each time he would step one foot outside the front door

At first he obeyed his father's rules but then he started to get impatient he was curious to see what was so bad about being outside and what his parents were hiding

It was impossible to leave now since his parents are signing some contract with some strangers that he doesn't even know

When his parents broke the news that he was going to have an arrange marriage he ran for his life but running didn't solve anything in the end he got scolded, beat by the belt and locked in his room

A couples weeks have passed he was forced into a black suit with a gold Rolex on his wrist and a gold necklace tucked inside his shirt he was going meet the girl he was going to marry

"Mr. Park we have arrived" the chauffeur spoke parking the limo on the side of a house Mrs. Park finished applying the fifth layer of lipstick and smiled as she made eye contact with her son

"Dear don't be so angry. You'll like her I've had a full on conversation with her she's sweet! And she'll make a wonderful wife just wait and see my dear"

Jimin didn't say a word as the door open for them to exit "Watch your little attitude you spoiled brat" Mr. Park said before getting off the car

He rolled his eyes and got off an umbrella was being held above him by one of the butlers as they walked towards the entrance

They walked to the front door Mr. Park gently knocked then stepped back for a maid to open the door greeting the Park Family then stepped aside letting them inside the Choi home

The maid lead them to a dining room where a long table sat in the middle with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling "Have a seat the Choi family will be here any second now" she bowed then left

The Park family sat on the table Jimin stayed silent hearing their parents speak about the beautiful house and how excited they were to speak with them

Seconds later the double doors open and a tall male holding a woman's hand walked towards the table Jimin noticed a girl with brown long hair walking beside them

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