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"Make sure you change his bandages I'll be checking when I come back" Seokjin said fixing his hair in the mirror that was hanging in his room Namjoon was leaning against the wall looking at him

"Jin you're going on a mission not a fucking party" he reminded him watching the older admire himself "I know I'm just trying to look my best" he replied looking at him "I want everyone to know that they at least got killed by someone handsome"

"Funny. Now hurry up" Namjoon said

They walked to the living room where Jimin was located sitting on the couch talking to Jungkook about something "We will try not too take long unless we come across some issues" Seokjin said walking to the door Jungkook then followed leaving the two alone

Namjoon walked over to Jimin who glanced at the male he was a bit shy to talk to him after what happened last night "Are you hungry?" He asked

Jimin nodded Namjoon walked around the couch touching his back "W—What are you— Namjoon picked him up Jimin's hands flew around his neck as he was lifted from the couch

"You're light as a feather" he chuckled walking to the kitchen and carefully placed him on top of the counter Jimin blushed watching him go to the refrigerator he didn't exactly know how to cook but Seokjin had taught him a couple of times how to make chicken soup

Jimin watched as he cut the vegetables the tv was playing in the living room it was silent for a couple of minutes until he started to talk to break the awkward silence between them "Where did you get your tattoos done..?" He asked getting his attention

"A really long time ago" he replied moving the carrots from the wooden tablet to the pot "I have them all over my chest, my back and some on my left leg"

"Was it painful?" He asked Namjoon set everything down the sink before leaning against another counter "Not as bad as I thought it would be, why? Are you planning on getting one some time?"

"Umm... I don't know about that I was just curious plus.. I'm not good at taking pain" Jimin said looking at him with a small smile "This reminds me, I need to change your bandages" he said leaving the kitchen to get the first aid kit in Seokjin's room

When he came back he set the box next to him and noticed he had to take off his pajama pants in order to check his wound fuck how do I do this? ( _)

"Uhh..." he said and Jimin hummed looking at him confused Namjoon sighed there wasn't any other way to say it without sounding like a creep

"Take off your pants"

"W—What?!" Jimin blushed

"I need to see your thigh I can't roll up your pajamas it's all the way on the top" he said as Jimin's face got even more red "Oh.. yeah you're right.." he replied gently grabbing the hem of his pajamas

He noticed Namjoon was looking at him "Um can you turn away? I don't want you to look—

"Why? We are both dudes there's nothing wrong with you taking them off if I'm checking your injury" he said as Jimin was trying to take them off he was struggling so Namjoon stepped in to help him remove his pajamas Jimin was looking away as Namjoon carefully lifted his thigh to unwrap the bandages

Seokjin had stitched the area where the bullet went through Jimin glanced down this is going to leave a scar for sure

Namjoon couldn't help but noticed how soft and milky his legs were especially his thick thighs he ran his hand on it Jimin let out a small noise feeling his veiny hand touch his skin softly

The older looked up Jimin had his hand over his mouth seeing his blush Namjoon didn't know what went through his head but he leaned down and placed a kiss on his thigh "W—What are you doing..?" The younger asked surprised by the sudden action

Black Bullet (MINJOON) (NAMMIN) -FIXED-Where stories live. Discover now