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Seokjin had just finished patching Namjoon up with bandages Taehyung was leaning against the wall arms crossed he was extremely mad

Jimin was in his room wiping off the tears from his face he decided not to come out for the rest of the day after hurting Namjoon and getting yelled at and pushed by a furious Taehyung

"I wasn't going to say I told you so" Seokjin said closing the first aid kid "But I told you so" he laughed taking the box taking it to the closet Namjoon rubbed his neck "I didn't think he would actually cut me but this is a good start for him—

"Cut you?" Taehyung scoffed "Are you out of your mind Joon? What if he actually stabbed you? I'll fucking kill him if he ever does I don't give—

"He didn't even cut that deep I've been through worse stop crying like a bitch and go make those deliveries with Jungkook and Yoongi" he ordered the younger giving him a small glare

Taehyung huffed walking out from Seokjin's room Namjoon rolled his eyes his attitude was getting worse and worse each time "You should go and talk to Jimin he looked pretty frightened when you were bleeding everywhere tell him he did a good job"

"Yeah I'm on it" he replied putting his black long sleeve and exit the room going to the end of the hall knocking on the door before entering

Jimin was sitting on his bed looking down at his feet with his head low Namjoon sighed closing the door behind him he took out a cigarette "Hey" he said but Jimin didn't answer he stayed still

He walked to the bed sitting next to him Jimin only moved his eyes watching Namjoon use the lighter to smoke a cigarette "I don't know where you got that energy and balls to fight me but I like it. I thought you were going to chicken out and disappoint me but looks like I was wrong" he said looking at him

The younger lifted up his head but didn't turn to look at him "I—I'm really sorry I feel bad for hurting you" Namjoon took a small glance at his red eyes ah he's been crying who would even cry for me these days?

A small smile appeared on the older's lips and lift up his hand to touch the top of his hair this time Jimin didn't flinch "Don't apologize this was part of your training I would say you're doing pretty darn well for someone who wasn't born in this shithole"

"I almost killed you..." he replied feeling Namjoon's fingers card his hair "How can you be okay after I hurt you and made you bleed? Taehyung seemed really worried about you he threatened me.."

Namjoon's smile disappeared taking the cigarette off his lips Jimin still wasn't used to the smell of smoke but ignored it "He screamed your name I could see that worried look in his eyes holding back tears are you and him a thing—

"We're nothing" he cut him off removing his hand from his hair placing the cigarette back into his busted lips "Really? But Taehyung is always going to your room and he seems really close to you"

"Used to"

"Hm?" He finally looked at him Namjoon went back on the bed his elbows supporting his weight "A long time ago we used to be in a romantic relationship" Jimin's eyes widened at the news

"But not anymore and I won't ever go back out with someone like him" he said Jimin looked back down at his feet "W—Why..? Ah— Well no never mind you don't have to answer that if you don't want to.."

Namjoon laid down the bed looking up at the ceiling "Since you showed me you can beat ass I'll tell you think of this as your reward for doing good" he replied and started off

"A long time ago before I even stepped a foot in Roanapur I was in Korea living in the streets the only thing I was good at was killing and stealing. I met Taehyung in one of my jobs we fucked around for a bit then we decided to be in a open relationship I didn't enjoy it though he was killing the partners I was sleeping with"

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