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"I did some digging and it turns out he wasn't actually trained to become the next leader he was locked up in that house for years so he basically knows nothing about the situation right now or his family name"

"Well isn't that a surprise" Taehyung said laying on the couch flipping to the next page on the magazine

Namjoon leaned back with his legs on top of the desk with a cigarette on his mouth "Thanks Jungkook now go check on the kid make sure I didn't accidentally killed him or else we're all getting our assholes burned by the end of today"

Jungkook left the room going towards the spare room they had and saw Seokjin sitting on the old stool holding the hostage's wrist checking his pulse

Seokjin heard the door close he glanced over to see the youngest walking towards him "Is he alright? He's been asleep for...a really long time.. now.."

"Yep" the older sighed looking at boy with his chest raising up and down "He's alive. Namjoon might have knocked him out a little too hard"

"I know... sometimes I can't believe how strong Namjoonie is" he replied looking down at Jimin peacefully laying on bed it's been more than 10 hours since they brought him back Namjoon told Jungkook to put him in one of the empty rooms they had

Seokjin was the one by his side checking on him every two hours so far he hasn't woken up and they were all waiting for him to wake up so he can talk

Jimin was hearing soft voices he carefully open his eyes the whispering suddenly stopped when they saw Jimin trying to move "Go get Joon hurry" Seokjin said and Jungkook immediately ran out

His vision became clearer he noticed he was in a unusual room then he turned his head to see a male looking right at him with purple hair Jimin was confused

"W—Where am I...? Who are you...."

"Hello." Seokjin smiled softly "I'm Seokjin and you're in this room because.....you uhh blacked out how are you feeling?" He asked the younger and he hummed he doesn't remember fainting or hitting himself with something "My head hurts a little when I move..." he replied

Seokjin was about to ask something else until the door opened Namjoon stepped inside puffing out the smoke from his nostrils Jimin saw the guy standing there

Blonde hair...

His eyes widen he was the last person he saw before blacking out "He's awake" Namjoon spoke walking towards the bed Jimin fisted the bedsheets his shoulders got tense finally seeing his face

"Finally. Leave us" He demanded and Seokjin got up
leaving the room Namjoon went to the stool where he was sitting pulling it closer to the bed

Jimin watched the male sit on the stool taking the cigarette from his lips the smoke coming out the younger covered his nose from the strong smell

Namjoon chuckled inhaling the smoke then blowing it off to another direction "Your full name is Park Jimin isn't it? I hear your parents held you like a dog your whole life inside that big ass house"

"H—How do you know..?" He asked looking at the male staring back at him with those same scary piercing eyes from last night

"I'm supposed to know everything" he answered with a small smirk playing on his lips Jimin didn't like how this stranger was looking at him "Who are you..? What did you do to me? Y—You tried to kill—

"It's my turn to ask questions Park tell me do you have any idea what the hell your family is? Or what the name stands for? Answer me that" he said

Huh?? What the name stands for..? What does he mean by that?°)

Namjoon sighed the boy had a confused look on his face I guess it's true () "By the looks of your face I can tell you don't know a single thing, fuck. You have no idea that your father is a mafia leader?"

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