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Jungkook turned the plastic bag upside down shaking it as the items fell on the table where Jimin sat looking at the boxes and hair products scattered

"First things first we gotta dye your hair so you'll look unrecognizable okay?" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded he's never done something to his hair before and he was kind of excited to see how it'll turn out

"This is Jennie and Rose they'll be helping—

"I'm actually helping out too you know" Lisa said with arms crossed Jungkook rolled his eyes ignoring her "And that thing too. I got you some clothes that I think might fit you over there" he pointed

"Okay..." he said Jungkook left the room and the girls started to unbox the hair dye and other things placing them on the table

His hair was parted in half Jimin watched as the liquids were mixed and placed inside a small bottle "So you're a Park right?" Lisa said eyeing the boy who was getting his hair brushed "Yeah.." he replied back

"Half my family was killed by them"

Jimin froze hearing that did his parents really do something as cruel as that? It made him want to disown himself from his family

"By the looks of your face I can tell you really don't have a clue about anything that your family did. That's not all the things they killed innocent people in the past including children basically anyone who got in their way" Lisa explained

"I—I'm so sorry.." he said looking down at the floor he
didn't want to know what else his parents did it made him not want to exist anymore

"Don't apologize. You didn't go back home which means you don't want to follow in their same footsteps we understand" Lisa spoke putting on gloves as Rose folded the small foils handing them to Jennie

He let the girls apply the hair dye on his hair it took about an hour he only gave out small answers whenever the girls would ask him a random questions to kill some time

He wondered how they all met there's no way they all grew up witnessing violence at a young age

He had to wait for a little bit so the bleach can do its job and when it was time to wash it off Jimin was surprised to see himself in the mirror

His black natural hair was completely blonde even his roots he could imagine hearing his mother scolding him and his father shaking his head in shame he sighed he shouldn't think of them right now

Jimin walked out wearing what Jungkook had brought him and went to the living room where Hoseok and Jungkook were sitting down

Jungkook looked up from the tv "Oh! That color suits you don't you think Hobi?" He asked the older and he hummed in response smoking a cigarette

"We're training you first then it's either Yoongi or Seokjin's turn got it?" Jungkook said standing up and Jimin replied with an "Okay" nervous about this training he was going to be put into

Hoseok drove them to their warehouse where they kept their supplies and their stolen goods it was close to the docks. When they arrived Jimin followed the two males inside Jungkook went through the metal boxes looking for a suitable gun

Jimin was looking around the place seeing wooden targets with holes in them "Here" Jungkook said getting his attention and threw him something he caught it and jumped in surprise when he realized he was holding a gun

"There's different types of guns but we like to carry these specific ones where we can hide them and carry them around wherever we go" Jungkook said pulling out his gun from his pocket pulling the trigger

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