Leather, smoke and a lil' bit of flirt

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'' [...] something with the whole biker vibe, like Jeffrey meets this badass girl in a bar and he takes her on a ride across the city''. 


I sat on the high bar stool and wondered where I should go after I finish my drink, if I should check more places out or if I should wait until tomorrow. Being new in the city I didn't want to go home, I wanted to go explore it at night although the thought was a bit scary since I was alone. Starting a new chapter of my life in New York, no toxic friends, no toxic lovers, no toxic work environment was all I needed. Two weeks ago I grew balls big enough to leave the small town I lived my whole life in, dyed my hair as black as coal, bought new clothes, hopped in my car and moved. I was ready to meet new friends, to start a new job, to explore. It was all so refreshing. 

I paid for my drink and exited the building while searching for the pack of cigarettes lost in my endless bag. Once outside, I leaned against the concrete wall and placed a cigarette between my red lips, music from inside, cars and voices in the background. To my right I saw a very nice Harley Davidson so I took a few steps towards it to admire it. 

''Wanna take it for a ride?'' I heard a voice from next to me, one of a man. Turning to my left, I realized that the voice belonged to someone whose face I recognized. He was tall, had black hair mixed with some white here and there. His salt and pepper beard hugged his jaw nicely, lips curved up into a smile, brownish eyes looking into mine. Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I knew him. Who didn't? 

I did my best not to act weirdly given that this was my first encounter with a celebrity. I was in New York, it was obvious I was going to see many of them around, so I wasn't too nervous. ''I'd love to, but I don't have a motorbike license'' I finally responded. ''Had I known it was so easy to take such beauty for a ride I would have gotten my license yesterday'' I laughed. 

''I'm used to people wanting to take it for a ride, so instead of them asking, I ask them. I'm proud of her, she is an absolute beast and I love having people admiring her'' he explained proudly as he looked at his black motorcycle. 

''I would too if I had one'' I sucked the smoke out of my cigarette one last time before throwing the butt into a thrash can next to me. I moved from one foot to another, my feet starting to hurt a bit from the high heels I had on, almost making me want to go home. 

''I'm Jeffrey'' he stretched his right hand out. 

''I know'' I chuckled. ''I'm y/n'' I shook his hand as I licked my lips, action that his eyes followed carefully. 

''Let me take you for a ride'' he insisted. I was a naughty girl and those words, probably innocent to him, made me give in to a smirk. 

''My mom told me not to get into strangers' cars...or well, bikes'' I laughed. ''So I'm just supposed to hop on and let a stranger take me anywhere?'' I raised an eyebrow at him. 

''You said you knew who I was, I'm not a stranger anymore, am I?''

''You know what? You're right. Fuck it. Let's go''

''Hell yeah, that's how it's done. Here, take this'' he gave me a matte black helmet. He only seemed to have that one. 

''How about you?''

''I'm a rebel, you take it'' he joked as he helped me up on the bike. He watched me put the helmet on and smiled satisfied. ''Looks good on you. Where do you wanna go?''. 

''I moved here two weeks ago, you choose. I have no idea''

''Oh, cool. Tell me more about that later'' he smirked and to me, it sounded as if he wanted to continue spending the night with me after the ride. I didn't mind, if this new chapter of my life was going to start with me becoming friends with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, hell yeah was I in for it! ''Now hold on tight'' he turned his bike on and I wrapped my arms around his torso. ''Tighter, hun, I don't bite'' he adjusted my arms so they would go the whole way around and made sure I held him tight. 

I didn't know where we were going and I couldn't believe I was in the back of a stranger's motorcycle. The stranger though, he smelled like leather and cigarette smoke, like perfume and mischief, and I couldn't complain. Looking around, I admired the city lights, the amount of people on the streets, all the still open shops and the smell of food from time to time. 

Ten minutes later we parked in front of a very tall building, one I knew was Empire State Building. ''And what's your plan?'' I asked, looking up at the building in front of me. 

''If you're in New York, you have to see it from above'' he smirked before grabbing my hand and leading me inside. Who knew there were people like him out there, who really just wanted to have fun no matter the situation and the person? 

A few minutes later we were on the 102th floor and I was in absolute, pure awe. I didn't know where to look first yet from time to time my eyes forced themselves on the guy who brought me there, the handsome stranger. ''You're looking at the wrong thing'' he chuckled as he caught me staring at him. 

''I'm looking exactly where I want to look'' I smirked before turning around and admiring the other beautiful view again. 

''Oh, not so shy anymore, are we?'' he leaned on the railing in front of us as he looked at me. 

''Been that all my life. What does it bring me? Nothing''

''Damn, love that. You're intriguing, stranger'' his hand reached for the pocket of his jeans to grab a cigarette, handing me one as well. As he leaned in closer to me and covered the lighter with his hand to protect it from the wind, we had a moment. It was so weird, like I was in a movie or a fanfiction. Not one millisecond did he take his away away from mine; there was sexual tension and more...and I didn't even know the guy. Right then and there I felt that this wasn't the last time I was going to see Jeffrey. 

''I feel like I can rule the city from up here'' I turned back to my right to look over the city. 

''With a face like that you can rule the world'' he flirted. Why did he have to flirt with me? I mean, I didn't not like it, it was just the fact that we had been knowing each other for like one hour. 

''Do you do that a lot? Flirt with girls that love your bike?'' I teased. 

''Nope. Just with you'' he poked my arm and looked down at me. ''Who in the hell wouldn't flirt with you?''

''If you're trying to make me blush then congratulations, you succeeded'' I laughed as I felt my cheeks turn warmer with every second. ''So am I riding your bike again after this?'' 

''You can ride whatever you want after this''. 

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