How to get away with murder

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*2 hours before the party*

Dottie: *enters bedroom* Hi

Peggy: *smiles* Hi

Dottie: *cant stop smiling*

Peggy: You're cu-

Dottie: Yes I am

Peggy: *giggles* So is everything ready

Dottie: Alcohol check, food check, coke check-

Peggy: What did you say?

Dottie: *screams* Food check!

Peggy: Why do you have to do this?

Dottie: Do what?

Peggy: *sighs* never mind

Dottie: Are you okay?

Peggy: No I'm not! Please Be careful tonight.

Dottie: Why?

Peggy: It's fucking drugs Dottie! It's not guns or knives it's drugs. It's dangerous and since when you're into drugs?

Dottie: Oh c'mon Peg

Peggy: Why don't you throw a party like a normal person, without drugs

Dottie: Where's the fun in that *smiles and walks away"


Jack: Which tie suits me more?

Daniel: The blue-ish one

Jack: I can't wait to finally arrest Dottie Underwood

Daniel: *confused* Um-What!?

Jack: I convinced Dottie to bring drugs to the party and you know have a bit of fun and then 20 FBI agents will pop up out of nowhere and they're going to arrest Dottie for cocaine possession.

Daniel: *yells* Jack Thompson don't you even dare!

Jack: *smiles* Watch me *walks away*

*2 hours later*

Jack: *snorts a line* Yes!

Dottie: *snorts a line* oh my god

Jack: This is good stuff

Dottie: One of a kind my friend


Daniel: *shouts* Peggy thank god you're here.

Peggy: What happened?

Daniel: Jack told Dottie to buy cocaine but in reality he's going to arrest her for cocaine possession

Peggy: *runs*

*in the red room*

Jack: Sorry to break it to you sugar but you're arrested for cocaine possession

Peggy: *puts a gun at his hand* Drop it.

Jack: *laughs*

Peggy: Down!

Jack: Oh Peg we all know that you're not going to shoot me.

Peggy: *sighs* you're right what was I thinking

Jack: *turns around*

Peggy: *shoots him* Fuck you Jack

Daniel: Oh my god

Angie: I heard a gunshot what hap-Peggy you didn't

Dottie: Peggy!

Peggy: It was either you or him

Dottie: What do you mean?

Peggy: *starts yelling* It was a trap Dottie! A fucking trap!

Dottie: *starts crying and leaves the room*

Peggy: *shouts* FUCK! *punches a wall*

Angie: Stop It!

Peggy: *starts crying* I'm sorry Daniel. I'm so sorry

Daniel: *takes a big breath* I was going to do it

Peggy: *confused* What?

Daniel: He was stealing from me. He didn't love me. Besides that he came home drunk every night.

Peggy: Daniel I'm sorry.

Angie: You're both being pussys right now. You *points at Peggy* stop fucking crying and you *points at Daniel* you're going to help us bury this piece of shit and when this whole thing is done you'll start having one night stand again because you can't find a proper guy.

Peggy: *laughs*

Daniel:*laughs* what are we going to do?

Peggy: I know I'm going to regret this

*10 minutes later*

Jarvis: *starts yelling* THIS WAS UNSAFE. A murder!? Really miss carter.

Peggy: It was either him or Dottie!

Jarvis: So you had to kill him!?

Angie: *whispers* I love how they both fight and forget about us

Daniel: girl me too

Peggy: *yells* She was the only person I loved after Steve and *sobs* and it hurts you know it hurts.

Jarvis: *sighs* I'm Sorry.

Peggy: Can we just get to the place and get this done with?

Jarvis: *pulls up* Here we are

Angie & Daniel: oh my god

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