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"Uhm, Minji, that's a cockroach."

With wide eyes and mouth agape, I jumped back over to Jungkook. Now that we were both silent, I could hear the furious hissing coming from the bug.

Quickly, my vision adjusted to the dark room, and it was then when I noticed the 20 other roaches that were slowly approaching.

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna puke," I said through a shallow breath, pressing my back against Jungkook's chest in attempt to escape the small closet.

"Look, blankets." Jungkook said, completely ignoring me. Slightly annoyed, yet too preoccupied when jumping around to escape from the bugs, I muttered a "Then go get them," and pushed passed him. I needed out of that closet.

After waiting a few moments, Jungkook appeared with a giant quilt in hand. "Only one?" I observed aloud.

He shrugged. "All the others were covered in holes and dust." Jungkook explained.

I nodded. "I guess we'll have to share the lounger now," I nudged him in the side lightly with my elbow.

"We'll see about that." He gazed down at my face.

Rolling my eyes at his lame attempt to be playful, I snatched the blanket out of his arms and quickly ran towards the large lounger, falling into it. "Alas the right sitting for thou sexy beast," I sighed.

"I want food." Jungkook whined, sitting down next to me. "Well we could check behind the receptionist desk, maybe they keep snacks there."

"Good thinking Minji," He said, hopping up from his seat and jogging over to the counter. The way he praised me made me feel light.

"They've got fruit snacks," He waved a few packets in the air.

"Suddenly, I feel like I'm back in the third grade," I commented, watching as he walked over to me with the food in hand.

"You got fruit snacks? Lucky, I got baby carrots." He pouted, and I snorted. "Carrots are just fine, you're just picky."

He raised an eyebrow at me before mumbling, "I wasn't the one that sent back a milkshake at the diner because it was too thick,"

I gasped before punching his shoulder lightly, "Listen if you got that milkshake you would have understood, I was out of breath after one sip," I explained, he was sitting down by me now.

"Maybe you just need to work out more," He ripped open a package as he spoke. I did the same.

"Are you calling me overweight? If so, I'm glad my thickness was distracting," I said sarcastically as I propped my legs onto his lap.

Suddenly, he started choking on a gummy and I quickly got off of him out of embarrassment. "Yeah, I know my legs are hot," I joked, before realizing he was actually choking and stiffly moving my hands to his back so I could pat it.

"Whatever," He said once calm again, and I noticed his packet was empty. Mine was too.

"That just made me want more food," I commented, taking notice to the angry noises my stomach was making.

We both continued our game of 20 questions. After we finished, we ended up just talking about random topics.

We'd even seen a few cars drive past on the road so for at least an hour we tried to get their attention.

Nobody saw us, which was odd.

I felt like we were growing closer, and more comfortable with each other.

Jungkook wasn't a snarky as he was yesterday and I was even holding back my sarcastic comments and turning them into sweet ones.

It wasn't until it started getting dark outside when the mood shifted.

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