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"Wow, this is pink." Jungkook said once he stepped into my dorm.

I laughed and looked around, placing my hands on my hips as I observed.

It was a bright magenta and it was rather obnoxious.

"It was this color when I moved in, I think the previous owner didn't go over the rules about nails and paint and stuff." I concluded.

He nodded like he agreed and made his way over to my bean bag chair.

It was date time and we had decided on watching the movie first and then grabbing a dessert together afterwards when a sudden project came up for Jungkook and we had to miss lunch.

I sat down next to him on the bean bag and pulled my laptop into my lap.

"Ok. It should be on Netflix.." I mumbled to myself, attempting to find the movie.

Once found, I clicked on it but didn't play it. "Any snacks? Blankets? Restroom?" I asked Jungkook, turning to face him.

"You sound like my mother." He smiled, bringing his arm to drape across my shoulders.

I laughed before nuzzling into his side like I'd done a few nights ago at the museum. I played the movie and we both silently enjoyed.

Here and there Jungkook would try to tickle me or I'd purposely block his view of the screen.

We were just bothering each other to be annoying and I found it cute.

The credits rolled and I yawned, looking outside my window to see it was getting dark.

"It's like 6:00, how are you tired?" Jungkook asked, stretching his arms above his head.

I shrugged. "I guess you could say I'm a bit of an early bird." Jungkook only raised his brow at this.

"Oh sweetheart, if this works out you're going to struggle at night. I can play Overwatch till 4:00 in the morning." He put a hand to his heart like this conversation was paining him.

"Or.. maybe you could give up Overwatch for love and just cuddle me?" I suggested, hugging his arm for dramatic effect.

He sighed. "Or maybe I'll just give you a bunch of caffeine and we'll spend the whole night playing 1v1."

I nodded. "We'll switch. One night we'll be healthy and the other night we'll ruin our sleep schedule."

"Deal." Jungkook clapped his hands together.

I first pumped the air before hauling myself up.

"Let's go get ice cream!" I yelled, pulling my shoes on and hurrying a slow Jungkook up and out of the room.

"When did we agree on ice cream?" Jungkook said. "As soon as you agreed to going on this date." I retorted

He chuckled and I smiled as we stepped out of the building and into his car.

He drove us to a cute parlor about 10 minutes away and I spent forever picking out my flavor.

"There's just so many to choose from." I explained to an impatient Jungkook beside me.

"Yes, and it would have been fine if you got something like Mint Chocolate. But you got Vanilla. Freaking Vanilla." Jungkook gave me a disapproving look.

"Well, I put sprinkles on it so it's not just vanilla." I pouted, licking a strip of ice cream off the cone.

"Goodness." Jungkook mumbled, before enter lacing his fingers with mine as we walked out of the building.

We had decided to just circle the block while we eat before getting into Jungkook's car and finishing the date.

"It's so pretty outside." I commented, looking up at the few stars that could be seen even though it wasn't pitch black yet.

"Not as pretty as y-" I interrupted him- "Don't you dare finish that pickup like Jungkook."

He threw his head back into laughter and I smiled when I saw that I had amused him that much.

"Madeline, I've got a question." Jungkook mumbled through a mouth full of ice cream.

"Shoot." I told him. "Well, how are you so confident? You even wear confident clothing. How does somebody pull off highlighter yellow?" He asked these questions, gesturing to my dress.

I giggled. "I don't know. I don't really pay much attention to people. They don't matter anyways. Y'know unless they're an important part of my life."

Jungkook nodded. "Is that why you're always kinda ditzy in class or.." I gasped and slapped his arm playfully.

"You are such a bully." I pouted. "I know." Jungkook confirmed before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"It's my love language- Or can you not take the heat?" He looked down at me.

I scoffed. "Of course I can. I can do anything. They don't call me Gold Maddie for nothing."

Jungkook seemed to nod carefully. "Ok Golden Girl." He joked, earning a glare from me.

"I'm having fun." I told Jungkook truthfully, grinning down at my food.

"Me too." Jungkook said before pressing his lips up against my cheek.

I blushed madly and Jungkook must have noticed because his grip on my waist tightened.

"So.." I said, focused on my ice cream. "For our next date." Jungkook started, meeting my eyes.

"What if we went to an art museum down town, it looked promising." He suggested.

I stopped in my tracks and stared up at him with big eyes.



"Hell no."


It's over
I'm not expecting this to be your favorite fan fiction or anything, this was honestly something I wrote because I was bored in quarantine 🥴

But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate any comments, votes, or even follows. I'm checking all of those notifications and love seeing any type of alert whatsoever.

But I really do hope you enjoyed this book, I know it was short and I probably won't be writing anything anytime soon unless Coronavirus ruins everything and I can't spend my free time scrolling through Amazon.

Thank you for making it this far 💜


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