Three years ago

5.1K 231 43

English Breakfast tea will reign supreme.

That thing that my brother and I have been working on is doing great. I can finally help people out the way B helps me. I know he has taken a few too many punishments lately. He thinks that he has to protect me. One day I want to protect him. I know your older sister is a bitch and doesn't help you when your mother gets going but I promise that as soon as I can save B I'll come for you. Hacker, you and I, we will get away from them. I swear I'll find you.

Signing off for now,


Chamomile Tea soothes all the wounds of the soul.

You guys are going to do so much good. I am so so proud of you DC. The hope you guys are giving to people is amazing! I know that every time I get an email from you, life starts to look a little brighter. I found out that my mother isn't actually my mother. My dad cheated on her with his cousin and had me. She was only 16 and she killed herself afterwards. I think he raped her. The punishments have gotten worse. I didn't think they would but I was wrong. She has been warning me of men raping me for years. She told me that since I didn't seem to be getting the message she would show me what it felt like. DC it was awful. I want you and B to be safe but if there is anyway you could speed up the timeline I would be so grateful.

As always keep bringing people hope.

Signing off for now,


I never got a message back from him. My Crawler never responded after I practically begged for him to save me. I knew I shouldn't have told him so much. I had never told him what the punishments were before but this one. This punishment was the worst. This was the one that never changed no matter what else did. Everything got worse after that last message. My hope was gone and I didn't think it was coming back.

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