Watching and Waiting

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So this one isn't as long. I had a different plan for this chapter but I hated it like hardcore despised it after I wrote it. I woke up this morning and this is what came about. This is a chapter I can be proud-ish of. Hope you enjoy! Loves!!


By the time the bus made it to our street I had calmed down enough to realize exactly how much I screwed myself over. These people didn't have me on their radar but they sure as shit would now. As I was making my way inside I noticed that there were an insane amount of cars across the street. FUCK!

Did they figure out where I lived? Were they going to try and talk to me here? No, no it's fine. There are nine of them that meet here frequently, what's another few. It's ok truly Sang you freak out too much.

As soon as I make it inside I go check on Mrs. If I don't check on her and she wants me to then I'll be punished harshly but if I go now I might be able to escape to my tree and watch. I silently slip down the hall and peak in her room. Luckily she's passed out on her bed. Making a small bit of noise outside her door I know that she won't be up for a while if she didn't hear that.

I race upstairs and out my window. I start in on my homework while periodically checking across the street. It was on one of my checks that I see a man in a grey suit and maroon tie step outside. He isn't over as often as everyone else but I still know him. I've figured out that this one is the leader of the nine I watch because everyone listens to him and does exactly as he says. I would think Glasses was the leader except Suit gives Glasses orders and Glasses gives everyone else orders.

Suit paces back and forth in the yard tugging at his hair for a couple minutes. Something must alert him to someone coming though because he straightens his hair and tie quickly. Once he has everything back in slick perfection a sandy blonde with curls steps out. This one is about the same age as Suit and they're both older than the rest. He's also my Japanese teacher. Curls claims to be a doctor but he can't be more than twenty so I'm not sure I believe him. His name is 'Dr.' Green.

Dr. Green races over to Suit and grabs his shoulders. I watch them talk for a few minutes. It looks like Dr. Green is calming Suit down when all of a sudden Dr. Green leans in and kisses Suit. Well that's new. I know these two are close but by Suit's reaction you can tell that hasn't happened before.

I watch as Suit unthaws and starts to take control. Dr. Green lets him and they go on for a couple minutes before breaking apart. Suit leans his head on Dr. Green's shoulder and it looks like Dr. Green is saying something to him. Eventually they break apart completely and straighten themselves out before heading back inside.

I won't lie, everything seemed to get extremely warm while I watched them. I probably shouldn't have. That was definitely supposed to be a private moment but it's not like I could have left when they started! It's a couple more hours before anyone else starts to come outside. I watch as Mr. Henshaw and the look alike exit followed by a huge man with an insane amount of tattoos. The tree of them hop into a black SUV and drive off. A couple minutes later my biology teacher, Mr. Toma, and a man with brown hair that seems shorter than the rest of the new people. He's in a pair of khaki shorts and a button shirt unbuttoned to show the tank underneath.

These two stop by another car and wait. Suit and Glasses soon come out and they talk for a couple minutes before Mr. Toma and Shorts leave. Soon the rest of them pile outside and stand talking. After about five minutes all of them except Glasses and Red get into cars to leave.

After those two go inside I wait another ten minutes before I head inside. I don't want to accidentally get caught because I moved too soon. After I get inside I sneak downstairs to grab some food. I never hear Mrs. call while I was outside but I still need to be quiet in case.

As I'm trying to grab an apple and some crackers for dinner I hear Mrs. yell. "SANG! SANG GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I race into her room. The quicker I get in there the quicker this is over. "What was all that banging outside?" She questions as soon as I'm close enough for her to see.

Shit! Could she hear the car doors? It's been a few minutes, maybe it was a bird. With my face as blank as possible, which with my practice is very, I respond "I have no idea. What did it sound like?" Maybe she'll say it was nothing. Come on, please just this once let her say it was nothing.

I can feel her cold stare on me as I look at the floor intently. The sound of the bed squeaking as she stands is one that haunts me both day and night. Don't move Sang. If you move things get worse. I can smell her stale breath as she stares me down. "Sang, were you talking to people?" It doesn't matter that I wasn't. I know what's coming.

"No Mrs. I didn't talk to anyone. I promise Mrs." I have all of my energy focused on not shaking or stuttering. Today is really not my day. I know what is going to happen and right now I find myself wishing I had taken Crawler up. I wish he was coming to help me but he isn't because I want to help others. I can't save myself, how can I save them?

"Go to the room. If you want to act like a whore then you will be treated as such! ROOM! NOW!" Those words. Those words follow me everyday. I know what they mean. They mean another piece of my soul dies today. I don't wait. I just go. There is no escape for me today.

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