What Are You Hiding?

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Okay this is the last one for now. I have to get ready for class soon. I guess some good can come from no sleep because this is five chapters WOOO! Enjoy! Loves!!


Raven convinced me to stay home on Monday because I had spent all weekend crying and an absolute mess. We spent the whole day Monday lounging around watching movies, laughing and cuddling. Sometimes I miss these moments. We're always so busy that we rarely get to just be.

After my complete meltdown outside the dinner I didn't want to go back there but I had to. I needed to know if she got my note or not. I couldn't seem to force myself to do anything until around seven in the evening though. I was nervous that she wouldn't have been back. Hacker is the person who kept me sane for years. B may have been protecting me but it was Hacker who understood me. Without her I'm not sure what I would have done.

Raven offered to go with me but I knew he had a mission tonight so I asked Brandon to go with me. He seemed very fidgety the whole drive there. I don't know what was going on but he seemed more nervous than I was.

Once we pulled in I couldn't take it anymore. Turning to him quickly I spoke. "Alright what's going on? You keep squirming worse than Marc when he's had too much coffee. Did something happen at the school today?" For several long seconds he didn't answer. I started to think he wasn't going to when he let out a heavy breath.

Looking at me from the corner of his eye he hesitantly answers. "Well I had to take that Sang girl to Owen's office today and she knew it wasn't you again. I don't know what they discussed because I was asked to go back to the class. I assume they'll tell us at the meeting tomorrow but I don't like how she knows so much." Okay that's fair but he still seems too anxious for it to just be that.

Deciding to let it rest for now I got out of the car. I had to take several deep breaths before entering the dinner. Axel had called in an order for us to pick up while we were here so I asked for that first. Hesitantly I asked Martha if a message was left by someone who goes by DyingHacker. Her face filled with pity as she handed me a letter. I don't know why but it scared me more than the idea of her not coming in.

Turning around I saw that Brandon had our order already so I took one of the bags and we headed towards the car. B took the driver's seat but we just sat in the parking lot. I was staring at the folded paper and Brandon was staring at me. We sat there and sat there and sat there.

After about ten minutes I opened the letter with shaky hands. Even with it open I couldn't bring myself to look at the words. I don't know why I was so scared but I couldn't shake the heavy feeling in my chest. Finally I started to read.

Camomile Tea is how you will remember me.

DepthCrawler, over the years I feel I have come to know you well. I have loved our talks and I cherish everything you have taught me. I remember every single debate we've had. I have thought of you as my hope, as my light for a long time. It's because of this that I can't speak to you anymore. Crawler you are so GOOD that I refuse to allow my life to taint you. I hope you can find and achieve everything you have ever dreamed of. I will always think of you but I hope you will forget me. I do love you Crawler. You will always be in my heart and mind. Please live your life in such a way that will help you and others as I know that's all you've ever wanted. I am happy you are finally free of your past so now I must free you of me.

Signing off for the last time,


No. No, she can't do this. I promised her. I promised I'd save her. Why would she do this?! I don't cry this time. I don't do anything. Staring at the letter I try and think of every possible reason as to why she would say this. Nothing was making sense.

I turned to Brandon and silently handed him the letter. His breath caught a couple times before he finished. "Why? Why would she do this?!" My voice cracked in multiple places and I know I sounded stricken. I couldn't wrap my head around why she would do this. What changed in a weekend for her to say this. What did I do?

Brandon looks at me with a pained face and lays his hand on my shoulder. "I don't know Cor. I don't know but maybe it's a good thing. She wants you to be happy. You can do that if you want." He won't meet my eyes. Why won't he look me in the eye? I start to shake my head no but then stop.

He's been strange all weekend. He was nervous on the ride over. He is now encouraging me to forget Hacker. Something wasn't right. Brandon was the one that encouraged me to open her email recently. Why would he have such a drastic change of heart? What does he know that I don't?

Freezing in place I finally say what he wants to hear. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I can but I- I need time." I turned away to look out the window. Brandon just nodded his head and started driving. The whole way home my brain is whirling. What could he know that changed so much? What is he hiding from me?

I don't care what that letter says. I need to figure out who Hacker is. If I'm right and Brandon knows but hasn't told me then there has to be a reason. Who would cause my brother to lie to me and be bad enough for him to change his mind? Brandon knows something and soon I would know it too. He should know better than to lie to me. I can always tell. I'll find the truth then I'll drag the reasoning for the secrecy from him if it's the last thing I do.

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