That's Where She Lives

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Oh my Gosh!!!! This story has over 8k views and over 1.5k votes!!!! I cannot tell you how stokes I am! Anyway midterms are this week so I don't know how much I'll actually be able to update. I hope you enjoy. Loves!!


When Hacker ran out of the room she took the last shred of my sanity with her. I saw the look on her face once I stopped yelling. I can't believe I did that, I'm usually much calmer. She just drives everything in me to the brink. Every single line of genetic code in me yearns for her to be with me and safe.

Now that I've had her in my arms I can't begin to imagine never having her there again. Everything just feels right when I can see her, when I can reach out and touch. Everything feels real then almost as if I've been sleepwalking before that. Raven is the only one who's ever made me feel that alive. I know the she-beast never made me feel like that. She sometimes made me feel dead inside actually.

After Owen and Axel finish lecturing all of us some of the guys who didn't lose their cool go out to look for Sang. Those that yelled weren't allowed to. Raven decided to stay with me while everyone else was out. I need to talk to him anyway. I love him with every part of me but I think I love Hacker as well.

"B Любовь моя I need to talk to you." Standing from the couch I reach my hand out to him. He gives me a knowing look as he grasps my hand and we make our way into the kitchen. As soon as we're out of eye sight Raven grasps the back of my neck and pulls my face down to his. The kiss is intense and bruising, I can feel every movement of his lip rings as he presses it into me with more force than normal.

A low rumble in my throat sounds as I try to take control of the kiss. Raven isn't letting me though. When he finally breaks away I grasp his side and press lightly on a sensitive spot. When he gasps at the feeling I kiss him again and take complete control. Pulling away I let my voice slip a little deeper than normal. "You will be paying for that next time."

The heat in his eyes and slight shiver lets me know that he doesn't mind at all. When he speaks his heavily accented voice is deeper and much more accented than normal. His rasp is laced with desire, "Yes Сэр.". With a sigh we release each other and take a seat at the table. I reach out and grab his hand before searching his eyes.

Before I can say anything Raven leans forward. "I know. She means a many to you." Automatically I mumble 'lot' and he just waves it away like always. "Мой солнечный I'm okay. We're okay. As long as you're getting happy I am happy." I don't bother correcting him and just squeeze his hand. I place a light kiss on the back of his hand before looking at his amazing face.

With a rough voice I tell him my thoughts. "Thank you, B Любовь моя. Nothing may happen. I see the way Brandon and some of the Blackbourne boys look at her. I know nothing may happen but I wanted to talk to you first." I stand and move behind him.

Running my hands over his shoulder in a light massage I place a kiss on the top of his head. "I would never do anything to harm us, B Любовь моя. I would do anything for you." I would. Nothing is too much. I'm fairly certain I would even kill if needed. Raven reaches up and gently squeezes my hand before we head back into the living room.

After about an hour everyone comes back inside. We all order pizza and play some video games but it's obvious no one really cares. Everyone is constantly looking towards the door and no one really talks about anything that matters. After Kota's family gets home we all decide to stay just in case she comes back. I don't think she will tonight but I'm not about to leave.

When morning comes and she still hasn't shown back up we all head outside for a brief meeting. We don't want to accidentally wake Erica or Jessica. No one slept last night and everyone's a little on edge because we don't know where she is. When people start talking about another search party Luke pipes up that he saw her. That she was okay and would be back when she was ready.

I want to strangle him. Could he not have said something last night? I was worried out of my mind! Brandon says something to that effect. Sometimes it's a little creepy how he does that. I'll think something and then he's saying it. I don't believe in that whole 'twintuition' but moments like these make me wonder.

When I notice him rubbing harshly at his arm I pull him aside and check in. He just got out of the hospital and I refuse to let him put himself back there. After confirming that he's okay just tired and a little itchy I relax slightly. Everyone heads out not too long after the meeting. Well, everyone except Owen, Sean, Kota and I.

Kota knows I don't plan on leaving until I see her for myself. He's told me I'm more than welcome to stay as long as I need. Sometime around midmorning I see a flash of color darting across the street. Watching closely I see a small blonde person scale a tree and disappear into the house across the street. So that's where she lives. Good to know.

"Kota! Why didn't you tell me Hacker lived across the street?" I barely hold back the anger in my voice but I'm not sure it's entirely effective by the startled look Sean gives me. Kota looks up from his papers with a start and comes over to the window where I'm standing.

"So that was her I saw." With a shake of his head he lays a hand on the window absently. "I thought I saw her dart over near there after she was at my house the first time but I couldn't tell. I hadn't slept and the light wasn't good so I thought it might have been a trick of light. I guess I was wrong." Kota's shoulders slump slightly and he looks upset.

I force myself to relax a little and lay a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. We know now." Everyone settles back into what they were doing. The four of us spent all weekend like this. Every now and then one of them would leave either for Sean to work or for someone to go on Academy business. Except me, I refused to leave until I could see her properly. When Monday came around I reluctantly went to school with the hope that I'd see she was okay there.

P.S. I went back and changed Raven's name to the correct one. Loves!!

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