Just a feeling

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I know it's short but honestly I don't know how to make the guys POV's longer just yet. Once more is revealed I can but not yet. SORRY! Also I want it noted that I totally said screw it to my English homework for you people (ok also me because ewww). Hope you enjoy. Loves!!


I've been staring out my window for almost an hour now and I still can't get the reason out of my head. Her beautifully haunted eyes torment my mind. I know that we're supposed to watch this girl and figure out what she knows but all I want to do is figure out who hurt her. Sang. The girl with pale skin, red-blonde hair and something to hide. I want to know everything about her. I want to know every part of her.

I shake my head to clear it slightly. That sounded dirty even in my mind. I totally didn't mean for it to... at least not entirely. I fully admit to being a teenager with hormones and she is gorgeous. It's not like I'm going to say anything like that to her but I can think it all I want. With a heavy sigh I turn away from the window. As much as I want to stand there all night watching for her I know it won't do any good.

With a glance at the clock I dial Mr. Blackbourne. He probably hasn't been to bed yet. I swear he's worse than North when it comes to sleeping when stressed. He gets onto all of us about it yet refuses himself. "Mr. Lee what's wrong? You're not on assignment is everyone ok?" I look towards the ceiling thinking of how to word this.

"Well, I have met Sang Sorenson. When I was taking Max out for a walk tonight I came upon someone sitting against a tree in the woods. She claimed to be fine and we exchanged names. I wanted to call someone to help her but she refused. I just barely got her to come back to my place. After that I got her to talk a bit and she claimed she's clumsy and just didn't want to be in her house tonight. I tried to get her to stay at my place but she left about an hour ago." I stop before continuing. I'm not completely sure how to word the next part. "Mr. Blackbourne, I think something's wrong with her. I don't know what but she's not ok." I finally sit down and breath.

I can hear tipping on the other end of the line and I know he's thinking over everything I said. "Well, I'm not sure what we can do. Without any proof we can't get the Academy involved and we still don't know what she meant when speaking to Mr. Henshaw Sr." He pauses before lightly continuing. "Mr. Lee, we plan to watch her closely. If something is wrong we'll figure it out and help her when we know more. Is there anything you found out from her about the school by chance."

I nod my head and sigh before realizing I'm on the phone. "Yes, she's been there two years and is a junior. Coding is her favorite class. She claims to be decent at it. From what I could gather she doesn't have much in the way of friends but seems to know everyone." I tap my fingers along my leg to help think. "I was thinking it could be her who hacked the cameras. If she really is a coder then it's possible. I didn't really get much else from her about the school but I don't think she would be hurting anyone. She doesn't seem the type."

The other line is silent for a minute. "I'll keep that in mind but remember Mr. Lee, looks can be deceiving. Now, we can continue this conversation tomorrow when we fill in the rest of the team as well as the Tomas'. Please get some sleep." Nodding my head I responded 'you too' before disconnecting the call.

After getting off the phone with Mr. Blackbourne I know I'm going to have a hard time sleeping. I go check out the window one more time before bed when I see something. In the tree by the grey house across the street from me is a figure climbing into an open window.

I can't make out much except that they're small but I want it to be Sang. I'll have Victor do a search into who lives there tomorrow. If she lives right here this may be easier than we thought. With that thought I fall back into bed and am out within minutes.

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