Our life Rival or enemy, we may only have one or many in our single life but we have one.
A person we want to beat no matter what.
A person who is our equal and we hate it.
A person we want to always seen as better then.
We want to the be the victor.
We fight day after day trying to prove we better.
We want to be proud as we stand over above them showing our talents.
We want to strip them down until they look up at us like we gods but we would never wish to truly harm them.
Instead they become something much more important then a friend, a person you want to kill yet save at the same time. We all have a rival or an enemy.
But what do we do when we are our own enemy.
I am my worse enemy.
I will never beat myself but I can never lose either.
I can be the victor or the loser and still never truly win or lose. My life time rival, is the perfect who looks straight at me in the mirror.
I hate me and me hates I.
Its a circle of hate and I have never found the cure.
Some say you should treasure a life time Rival or Enemy becuase they make you into the person you become.
But I, I just wish I could destroy myself. I just want to be free of myself.
I don't feel lucky nor do I feel bless for the rival I came to know.
I just wonder, now I know who I am and who She is as well, will we never be alone as long as we keep a mirror between us.
What happens when the mirror between us breaks, will she become me forever and I become forgotten.
Why can only I See her when looking into a mirror, why can I only hear her voice as she tries to win this war between us.
Why have she became the only who stays in my life when others leave.
A Rival or an Enemy, some may only have one in their life while others may have many.
Me, I just have one and well its one I'm never going to beat no matter how much I fight.
So, if you like me and look into that mirror just remember your no longer alone now, a Rival never leaves you behind.
A Rival that I hate so much and yet I still reply on her when I feel broken, so thank you for being my life rival and always catching me when I fall.
Your Rival on the losing side of the Mirror x
The Truth of a hidden Secret
שיריםYou don't die for your love ones, You live for them - Wise words by someone from the shadows ..