Chapter 1- The Begining

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Edited- 11/15/22


July 2nd. The hottest day of my life, the last normal one too.

My parents, my siblings, and I are in the backyard; enjoying the sun like any other summer day. I climb up the pool ladder when scanner in the house screams the nationwide warning alarm. Jim and Annabel run in the house to listen, I follow after, leaving my siblings in the yard. Mom's jaw drops as the announcement starts.

"There are reports of people dying and reanimating, upon reanimation they begin to attack people nearby. It is not safe outdoors, we advise you to stay inside your houses until the CDC determines a cause and the military deems it safe."

My mother runs outside yelling for Joann and Bo to come inside. Jim turns the tv onto a news channel, I notice how the reanimated people are behaving like zombies off of my favorite TV show, "Z Nation". I hear my little brother start to cry as I turn to my parents.

"Those things look a lot like Puppies and Kittens on Z Nation. And if they are anything like them, they are attracted to sound; we have to stay quiet."

*End flashback*

Two months later, and we're currently holed up in some random house in the next town over. Within a month, all power and communication was shut off. The people began to panic and hysteria broke out. My family left immediately and I'm so thankful we did, many didn't make it. We're all scared, my brother almost got bit two weeks ago and our supplies are running low. Fortunately today is supply run day, and this time it's my sister and I going.

Down the street is a store named 'The Man Store'. The last few times we've gone past, there hasn't been much activity. Today there seems to be none. I notch an arrow as Joann quietly nudges the door open. I release as soon as I spot the zombie's head, I reach for my knife and take out the other one. I motion for Joann to come inside, I take off to one side and her to the other.

Joann and I go separate ways. I make my way down the aisles grabbing whatever we need. Once done with my side I head back to the front of the store to wait for Joann. I give out a low whistle letting her know I'm done, I look up to see her heading to me. As she passes by a register a zombie appears out of nowhere and bites Joann's forearm. I grab my knife from its place in my boot and stab it in the head. Joann looks at me in horror as she holds her hand on the bite.

"Joann we have to go now," I scream as I put the knife back in my boot.
"No, Mary, I'm bit, can't you see that?" she elaborates, motioning to her arm.
"If we go now you can live but it has to be now," I say desperately.
"Fine, but I can tell you right now, I'm not going to make it," she yells with tears running down her face.

I swing both bags on my back and grab her by the arm, dragging her with me. We make it about halfway when Joann starts to slow down.

"Please we have to keep going," I beg her with tears in my eyes.
"No, I'm already dead Mary! Just go," Joann says.

Tears in my eyes, I glance behind her to see a hoard of zombies nearing The Man Store, heading for us. Joann turns to see what I'm looking at and her eyes widen with fear. I once again grab her arm trying to drag her to the house. We're almost there we can make it, I tell myself. My hand starts to burn from how warm Joann's skin is. Joann resists and starts to pry my fingers off her arm. I give her a pleasing look and she shoves me away. She immediately turns and starts toward the hoard.

She looks back at me as she walks, "So help me god, if you don't go home right now, I will haunt your ass. Do you hear me? Now go!"

As I take off I feel hot tears running down my face, two more houses and I'm home. I have to warn my family about what's coming. I burst through the door and set the bags on the floor.  Running to the kitchen to grab chairs for a blockade, I explain what happened. I feel eyes on me and I know what they're thinking, what they're feeling.

Mom sinks to the floor and Bo rushes to her side. My dad starts grabbing things to help me. That's when mom gets up and tries to remove the obstacles in front of the door.

"We have to go save her!" She pleads, tears falling. Her oldest was going to die.

Dad grabs her, "There's nothing we can do now, she's been bit."

"She'll be dead soon. They should be meeting right about now and she'll be dead in minutes," tears stream down my face and drip off of my chin.

As soon as the words roll off my tongue we hear scream in the distance. Defeated, mom slides back to the floor, tears pouring. Placing the final pieces I turn to pick up the bags and swoop up my brother as I head up stairs. I hear my dad trying to get mom to come up as well. Setting Bo down, I see the confusion in his eyes, 'where's his other sister?' My heart wrenches and start crying once again. My dad comes up behind me and ushers me into the bedroom. Locking the door we all huddle in the corner trying to be silent as possible as we hear the snarls of the dead outside.


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