Chapter 21

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I stared suspiciously at the silhouette for a while before it stepped into the dark room and I could make out who it was. I sighed before I stood up and walked over to him "Lix don't scare me like that" I chuckled.
Felix looked at me with his wide, soft, puppy eyes "forgive me, I didn't mean it!" he replied with an even softer voice. No one could be mad at him when he looked like that. "Of course I forgive you" I smiled before I grabbed my bag and looked at him "do you know where Chan is? I need to talk to him"
"Last time I saw him he was heading towards the biology classroom" Felix said and nodded. I turned around and began walking with Felix following right behind me. I peeked through the window to the biology classroom and saw Chan sitting in the corner taking notes. "Damn, he's busy" I mumbled. I turned to look at Felix "have you prepared for anything tonight?"
Felix nodded "I got some things we can use, as well as some new gloves"
"Good" I mumbled before I turned to walk back to the dance studio to see if Minho and Jisung was still there. I gestured to Felix not to follow. When I got there, they were sitting next to eachother, seemingly talking. I stood in the doorway and glanced at them with a death glare. I saw Jisung acting more nervous, which made me chuckle. He didn't deserve to have such a good time, especially not with Minho. I deserved it more. 'There has to be a way to get Minho to turn against him' I thought to myself and tried to come up with something. 'Could I set something up to make it look like Jisung did something bad?'

I noticed Minho glancing at me. I smirked at him and debated if I should go up to them or not, but I decided not to. I didn't feel like causing unwanted attention, and knowing them they would probably lash out if I tried to hurt or offend the other. I winked at Minho before I left the doorway and went to my next class.

Jisung's pov

I stared at Minho as he stared back at me with a cute little smile. I wanted to get closer and hug him, but I didn't wanna make Minho uncomfortable nor get any stares from other people. 'I wish I was more socially confident' I thought to myself. I kept on staring at him and got lost in his precious eyes. Every little glistening detail, ever star, galaxy and supernova hiding in them could be seen if you just searched enough. They were truly the most beautiful eyes i've ever looked into. Minho glanced to the side behind me, but I was still in my own little world, trapped inside his eyes. It was like they had a magical spell that trapped anyone who dared to look into them, and I was completely fine with that. I wanted them to trap me forever. I quickly snapped back to reality when Minho came closer to me and grabbed my wrist just to drag me up. I stood up and looked at him slightly confused. "You need to go to your next lesson" he smiled sweetly at me after he said it. I nodded slightly before we both walked over to the chemistry classroom. Minho stopped outside, still with his grip around my wrist. I stood still and looked at him before he suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. I was stunned out of surprise for a moment before I wrapped my arms around him as well. "Take care and be careful if Changbin or any of his friends are in your class" that's when I remembered we didn't have any classes together on thursdays. My grip around him tightened as I didn't wanna let go.

Minho rubbed my back gently "it's okay Sungie, we can meet during the breaks and lunch" he whispered with a soothing tone. It calmed me and I let go of him while keeping my gaze at his face. "I promise to be careful, if you promise me too" I said softly. I just wanted to make sure he was okay too, nothing more. He nodded before smiling which made me show off a little smile too. I hugged him again just to feel his warmth again, it was all I wanted. I felt his breath on top of my head, calmly breathing in and out. Suddenly, I felt something, something more than just his breath. His soft lips pressed against my head for a split second before he stopped and let go of me. I was shocked and I just stared at him for a few seconds. He was staring back at me with wide eyes "I- uh... I didn't mean to-" he stuttered and his face turned red. Before I could say anything he turned his back on me and began walking away "b-be careful Sungie" he stuttered out before turning behind a corner and dissapearing. I touched the spot he had kissed me on a few times. It didn't feel real. 'Did he just actually kiss you? Does he like you? No no he probably thinks of you as a little brother he wouldn't love you... Or would he?'

I went into the classroom and took a paper and pencil before sitting down in my lonely corner as usual. I buried my face into the arms of the hoodie I was wearing. It had Minho's smell on it and it made me feel calm and comfortable. I almost didn't notice that the lesson had started until someone took a hard grip on my hurt arm which made me wince in pain. "Wake up lazy" was the only thing my teacher said before she let go. I softly rubbed my arm and tried to hold in any tears I felt building up in my eyes. I already hated the class, and it felt even worse now that Minho wasn't with me.

I shook my head 'Jisung you need to learn to be without him, he doesn't like you. He doesn't like you.'
I kept thinking it throughout the lesson and I managed to somehow get a bit of things done. When the bell ringed and class got dismissed I stood up with the papers and went out of the classroom. I wasn't sure if Minho had a break before the next lesson as well so I just went up and waited against my locker, as I didn't have my keys to open it. I shouldn't have left my bag in my house when I ran back out yesterday.
I felt someone touch my shoulder and I quickly looked to my side to see who it was.


Not gonna be who you think it is:]

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