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(Your point of view)

Sweat pours down your face and into your eyes as you dash down the street.

It's late at night and no one is around which makes you even more fearful. You don't know what to do.

"Come back here (Y/N)!" Your boyfriend shouts.

You hold back tears and urge yourself to run even faster.

You run across the street even though the sigh says stop. You don't care if you get hit by a car, it would be a way better death then what might happen to you if your boyfriend catches up to you.

You make it across the street and continue running.

You notice the woods and decide to run towards them.
You know it's probably a stupid decision since people usually die in the woods but you don't care, you just want to get away from him.

"(Y/N)!" You hear his voice scream as you enter the woods.

You don't look back you just keep running deeper and deeper into the woods.

You jump over a small stream and continue running. You hope you don't trip or injure your legs.

Tree branches and leaves scratch at your skin but you don't care. A couple scratch marks are better than the beating your boyfriend has planned for you.

Tears are streaming down your face at this point. You don't want to die especially not by his hands.

You have no clue how things have gotten this bad. When you met him he was the nicest guy, he would take you out on dates, buy you flowers, sing you to sleep. You don't know why he changed or what you did to cause him to become this evil monster.

You make a sharp turn around a corner and almost trip.

Your lunges are on fire, you've never ran so fast or long in your life. You're whole body hurts and it feels as if it's shutting down.

"Don't give up on me now," you sob to yourself as you feel your legs going numb.

You push through the pain and screaming of your body and continue running deeper into the woods.

You see a cave in the distance and you debate on whether to run into it our keep running.

You slow your pace and look the other way to see if you have any other options.

You notice there's a cliff on the other side and you sigh. It looks like the only option is to run into the cave.

You pick up your pace as you dart into the cave.

You hope that there are no bears or animals in here. You really don't want to die.

You run into the cave but come to a halt when you see the cave splits off into two directions.

You look down the left path and down the right.

They both look dark and cold.

Suddenly you hear footsteps getting close to you.

You're heart skips a beat and your legs start running.

You run into the path on the right.

There are rocks all around and you hope you don't trip on one and hurt your ankle.

You run deeper into the cave.

Suddenly you see a light at the end of the path.

You smile, you hope it leads out of the cave and maybe to civilization where you could find someone to help you.

You quicken your pace and run down the long path.

When you finally get to the light you realize that it doesn't lead outside.

You hesitantly walk out of the path and into the lit up room.

You realize the room is being lit up by blue glow worms.

You look down and notice there's a large pond far below you.

You look around the room for an exit.

When you find another passage you run towards it.

You run as fast as your legs can manage.

It feels like your whole body is shutting down and you can barely breath.

Every breath is short than the last. Every stride is slower than the last.

Breathing hurts. You're lungs are on fire and your throat is dry.

You feel yourself getting dizzy and you start to panic.

"No, no! No, passing out," you yell at yourself as you enter the passage.

Once you run through the passage you realize it only lead to another glow worm lit room.

You continue running.

Suddenly you crash into something.

You take one big gasp as you fall over and hit your head against the cold stone floor.
What ever you crashed into was much bigger than you.

Your vision is blurred and you're seeing stars.

You see the shape off something above you.

You start to panic.

You roll over onto your stomach and try and crawl away. You feel the urge to throw up.

Your ears are ringing and you feel your eyes shutting.

You hope your lungs don't give out on you.

"No," you sob as you realize your body is no longer moving.

You feel paralyzed.

Your try and focus on moving your arms.

It's as if your brain can no longer communicate with your body.

You want to cry, scream, shout, do anything. But your body is completely shutting down.

You can't do anything but hope that your boyfriend doesn't find you.

Hope that an animal doesn't come and eat you while you are asleep.

Hope that you survive through the night.

You hope that your body hasn't given up on you.

You lift your head a little and see what looks like someone's shoes.

You see the figure move before everything goes black.

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