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You open your eyes and look around the dark room.
The clock reads 10:10 a.m. but it's pitch black in the room.
You look around for Shawn but you don't see him.
Clown masks hang upon the walls. They're chalky eyes staring at you, burning holes in your skin.

You throw the sheets off and stand up as you begin to walk towards the door. Shawn's room is a bit too creepy for your liking at the moment. You find it weird that at ten in the morning the room is still dark.

Your hand reaches out and clutches the cold metal knob to the door. You turn the handle and open the door wide. As soon as the door is open, light from the hallway flows in.
You let out a breath of relief. Maybe Shawn just has black out curtains up.
You step out of his room and walk down the hallway.

There's still no sign of Shawn so you head back to your room to get dressed for the day.
You open the door to your room and step inside. As you walk toward the closet to pick out an outfit your eyes wander towards the balcony. You bite your lip and wonder if Shawn ever unlocked it.

Your head spins to look from the balcony to the door of your room and then back to the balcony. You run one of your hands through your hair as you decide to go see if the door is unlocked. You're really craving some fresh air. The days have started to blur and you can't remember when you smelt the outside air.

Once you're in front of the balcony you take a deep breath and reach your hand out to grab the door knob. Your hand lands on the fancy metal and you hold your breath as you twist it. The door knob slides down and you hear the lock click.
Your eyes go wide as you pull the door wide open. A smile forms on your lips as you step outside and close the door slowly behind you.

You wonder what convinced Shawn to unlock the balcony?

A smile forms on your lips as you stretch your arms and inhale the fresh air. You walk to the edge of the balcony and lean against the railing as the breeze blows through your hair.

Shawn has a beautiful property. Trees keep it hidden from the rest of the world.

Flowing water catches your eye and you realize there is a small stream that flows through. You're not sure if it's a water feature or if it's real but it's really pretty. The water flows over the rocks in different directions but at the end they all find each other and reconnect into one path of flowing water.

You fell your shirt slip down your shoulder but you don't mind. You like the feel of the wind against your bare skin.

You close your eyes as you take a couple deep breaths.

Right when you're about to open your eyes you feel the atmosphere change.

"What are you doing out here," Shawn's voice speaks.

You feel the hair on your skin raise and you jump a little.
You stumble into Shawn and your eyes fill with fear as you look up at him.

Shawn wraps his arms around your waist and he smiles mischievously as he looks down at you.

"What are you doing?" Shawn whispers in your ear as he lifts your chin.
You shiver and look out into the distance.

"I-," you stutter as you feel your legs shake slightly.

"Hmm?" Shawn questions as he stares you down.

"I wanted some fresh air," you admit as you look away from him.

"I see. You weren't planning on climbing off the balcony and running off into the distance?" Shawn snickers as he holds you close to him.

"Not at the moment," you mutter as you look down at your bare feet.

Shawn chuckles and suddenly he has you turned around and he's picking you up.

You squeal as he flings you over his shoulder and turns around towards your bedroom.

"Shawn put me down!" You complain as Shawn carries you inside and shuts the doors to the balcony and locks them.

You sigh as you bounce slightly in sync with Shawn's foot steps as he carries you down the hall.

"Where were you?" You ask Shawn as he begins to walk down the stairs with you still over his shoulder.

"Down stairs in the basement," Shawn tells you.

You shiver at the mention of the basement. You hope you never have to be chained down there again.

As if Shawn can read your mind he stops in front of the door to the basement and his hand reaches out to open the door.

"No!" You yell at him, "Shawn put me down!"

Shawn smiles as he holds onto your legs tighter.
You wiggle against his shoulder as you try to get away from him.

"Put me down!" You scream as Shawn begins to walk down the stairs to the basement.

"Please Shawn!" You yell as you wiggle against him.

Shawn doesn't responds his just keeps walking down the stairs.

You shiver as you see the preserved dead things on display.

Shawn stops in front of a door you don't recognize and you start to panic as he opens it.

Shawn doesn't turn on the lights he just walks through the door and closes it behind him.
You feel him set you down but you can't see anything. You stand in place as you look around the room. Your body shaking in fear.

You feel a hand against your chest and you hear Shawn's breathing as he pushes you backwards.

You slowly walk back as Shawn pushes you.

Suddenly the back of your knees rub against something hard and you gasp as Shawn gives you a harsh shove.
You fall backward and land on a cushion.

You go to stand but Shawn puts his foot on your lap holding you down.

"Shhhh," Shawn says as he whispers in your ear.

You shiver as Shawn removes his foot from you and you feel his presence leave.

You hear his foot steps walking through the room and suddenly the lights flick on.

You blink a little before looking around the room.

There's fabric and sewing machines laying around.

You scrunch your eyebrows together as you look over at Shawn.
He walks over to a table and picks up a mask.

"Do you want to make a mask with me?" Shawn asks as he walks over to the couch with you.

You role your eyes. You thought this would be a torture room or something scary.

"Sure," you huff and Shawn chuckles as he plays with your hair.

"You made yourself scared sweetie," Shawn smiles as he looks at you.

You roll your eyes at him and he pulls you up so that you can go pick out fabric.

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