Hot Chocolate

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Stiles' pov
I've been walking around the woods for about hours. I'm completely disoriented and I'm losing way too much blood. To be honest I didn't think I would survive all the bullets that had entered my body. Other than that there was only one thing on my mind. The one person that I couldn't get out of my head since I've been on this rescue mission. Damon, I had to make it back to the Hales for him. Maybe it wouldn't affect him if I just died. I could just leave and never come back. I thought about it a few times while setting off the bombs. The only problem was, I felt the need to stay, maybe it was for him or maybe it was because I need to finish my job.

My eyes felt heavy and I wanted to sleep. I could always get back up later. I could carry on and find my way ba- oh my god. Oh my god! I found a fucking light! I think that's them. God, please let it be them. I started to run towards the light and I fell right as I got to the steps. I got up fast but everything was spinning. It was all too fuzzy and I tried to walk forward. Blurry faces filled my vision I could only assume the door had opened. I walked in and tried to stand perfectly still. It was harder than I thought as I was starting to fall forward. "I got you." A pair of arms held onto my waist. The voice was so familiar, "I thought you died." I touched the hands that were on me and knew instantly who it was. Theo, he had a bracelet on his wrist from earlier. Thank god he made i- wait where's Damon?

Panic and worry started to fill my body. "Theo, where's Damon? Did Damon make it home safe? Is he alive?" I couldn't stop the questions from coming out of my mouth. They just kept falling out. "Stiles!" I heard my name being yelled from above me. It was rough and full of surprise. I know it was Damon. His voice made me relax. I heard heavy footsteps and suddenly a pair of lips were placed on mine. I wish I could say tha-

Damon's pov

"Stiles? Stiles? Oh my god, is he dying? Someone needs to help him now." My hands were now placed on his sides and I was looking him over. Everything was ripped off of him. He had no weapons left. His clothes was torn into a million pieces. Blood came from almost every part of his body. He looks dead. I hadn't noticed that he was pulled out of my arms until someone spoke, "So who took you?" I looked to my left and just stared at Derek. He never cared for Stiles, maybe he was the one who only wanted him for sex. "Kate."

Derek's POV

Oh my god Kate did this? Stiles looks like that because of me. He could have died because of me. All of this just because he wanted to keep his promise to my mom. I was so mad at him for being with Theo that I didn't even offer to go with him. I could've helped prevent this. Maybe I could have saved him! I was too damn focused on being an asshole because I didn't want to admit that I cared for the guy who called me a damn mutt. I wasn't even being my real self because I decided I needed to shield myself from him. I should've been like Isaac and have him a chance. Hell, I should've been like Damon and tried to shoot a shot I didn't even want.

I don't like him and I'm not gay but I could've helped him. "I'm gonna kill her. I'll rip her head off and I'll burn her. I could just burn her ali-." My head snapped to the left so I could see who interrupted me, "No can do sunshine. I already beat you too it, the bitch blew up." Stiles had a raspy voice but regardless a smile played at his lips. I watched as Melissa, who I didn't even know was here, took out a bullet. "You're not flinching." I looked at him with an eyebrow raised and he shrugged. "Bullets are nothing.. you should've seen the other guys." He winked at me and I laughed a little. He's an idiot, that's all.

"Glad to see you're okay." Damon walked over to Stiles and swayed a little. Normally werewolves can't get drunk, but my mom always had special kinds of alcohol just in case it was ever needed. "You're drunk Damon." Stiles rolled his eyes a little but I could tell there was no harshness behind it. It made me a little upset. Stiles was always so kind to Damon even when he barely knew him. All I got was him being an ass to me. I wanted to be treated that way. Although, maybe it was because I treated him like shit. "Well, excuse me for being a little drunk. I thought the guy who's supposed to be my mate was dead. Now I see he's sitting right in front of me." Damon gave Stiles some sort of look.

Honestly, I don't think I could stand here and look at this anymore. So I didn't, I walked into the kitchen to make myself some hot chocolate, "Derek what's on your mind?" I looked up to see Deaton looking at me. I sighed, how am I supposed to tell him that I don't know? When I do know, "Damon just told Stiles that they're mates. I know I shouldn't be upset about it but I am. I'm more upset about it than I am about Kate being dead. I think it might be because Stiles was nicer to Damon than to me but I don't know." I took a sip from my hot chocolate and felt a bit better. This stuff is a gods send. "Maybe you li-." I couldn't let him finish that, "No." I took another sip and walked up to my room.

This is a sterek story I just want to take time to build it up! I gave you some brooding Derek in this, hope you Like it.

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