Kiss me

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Derek's POV

I got up from my place at the table to open the door. I wasn't quite sure I knew who was going to be there. No one really comes to visit us often except for my uncle Peter. So I guess I can safely assume that Peter will be behind that door. The knocking didn't stop until I got there which was extremely weird. I twisted the knob and open the door to find what was not my uncle Peter. Surprise. Instead it was a much more pleasant surprise I do have to say. The boy behind my door was extremely beautiful. He has nice muscular arms but a small build. Pale skin which would be great for marking. Light brown hair that was not too long but not super short.

His eyes we are so beautiful it was like looking into an amber crystal. I was still in my spot. It was like I couldn't move, I was just looking at him. Memorizing every single little dot and curve there was to his face. He had small moles marking his skin from his face to his neck, they disappeared into his shirt. I quickly shook my head and looked straight at his eyes and smiled opening the door wider. I wasn't quite sure I invited him in without asking why he was here. I guess you could say I had a brain malfunction. I just felt as though I needed to open the door for him.

Which was extremely weird since I was opening the door to my home. "I didn't mean to let you in, what's your name?" I was speaking to him, following him into the kitchen. It was a bit weird it's like he knew where everything was that. "I guess that would sort of be none of your business, young one. Where is your mother?" He was looking around a bit confused and I was shocked. He called me young one when we were pretty much the same age. "Here come with me and I'll take you to her." I watch as he quickly turned around and was ready to follow but I just stopped.

"First you got to tell me your name." I watched as his eyebrows furrowed together. I couldn't tell if he was angry or if he was just confused. "You're pretty annoying. Now take me to your mom." I watched as he started walking in the opposite direction that I was standing in. I wondered why he wanted to find my mom so bad. I quickly ran up and turned him to face me. "And what if I didn't take you to her, but instead I kissed you?" As soon as I realize what I said my face felt extremely hot. I wasn't exactly sure why I said that, I, I wish I had an excuse.

I watched as he just looked at me confused. "Why would you kiss a person you don't even know? Are you usually this stupid?" He was trying to get on my nerves. He was extremely rude, for no reason. I wanted to know why but I mean, why not just kiss him instead? I've leaned in closer and he didn't move. I watched as his head moved up so he could still be able to look at my eyes. I grabbed his waist and watch as he didn't move. I took that as my sign of confirmation. I move my head closer to him making the space between us smaller and smaller. Until a certain look in his eyes stopped me. It looks like 1 million things are going on in his head.

It looks like he was having an internal war with himself. So I shook my head again and stepped away from him. I just started walking away. "Um so are you taking me to your mom?" I watched as he started walking towards me and I nodded. I decided it wasn't safe to open my mouth around him without thinking first. "She should be in the living room which we did pass. Since you decided to step in to the kitchen first." I walked into the living room hoping my mom didn't see any of what just happened. Since you can kind of see some of the kitchen from the living room. I just decided to hand him over and walk away into my room.

"Hey mom, this stranger showed up at the door not too long ago and was looking for you. So here he is and I'll be in my room." I was about to walk away when I remembered I could probably get a friend over here so I didn't have to see that guy much. "Is it okay if Isaac comes over today?" I turned back around to look at my mom and she raised her brow at me "Do you like Isaac? I feel like he's always here. It's not a problem I just want to know if you have a little crush on him." I wish you would have just given me a yes or a no. As if this wasn't already awkward enough, she had to ask that question.

I could feel my face starting to get hot from embarrassment and I just shook my head no. "Sure." My mom smiled at me and I nodded walking up the stairs. As soon as I was out of sight I ran into my room. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Isaac's number. "Derek? Why do you need to wake me up right now?" Isaac sounded extremely tired and I could only assume that he had gotten to bed late. "I need you to come over like right now." I was still feeling really embarrassed and I needed a friend to help me out. "Fine I'll be over,I'm gonna take a shower at your place since I'm going to run over there. You better have food ready for me!" Isaac still sounded tired as hell but I appreciated him so much for helping me out here. I went downstairs to start making him food.

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