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Stiles pov

I don't understand how this situation could be this awkward. Damon was death staring Theo. It didn't seem to bother Theo as he just kept smiling at both of us. "Okay cut the crap, why are you so angry Damon?" I broke the silence in hope that things would get better. Unfortunately, I could feel the room filling with a stronger tension, "I can smell him on you. The marks on your neck make it more noticeable." A growl escaped Damon's mouth and I just sat there... what? I feel fucking awkward. It's not everyday that you sleep with someone for information. "He was just doing what he had to." Theo spoke up and looked at me with an apologetic look. Whatever, I don't care.

"Oh, so you mean screwing you and not coming up with a better plan was what he 'had to do' funny." Damon tried to get up but he couldn't. He wasn't healing and was loosing too much blood. Okay, lets stop wasting time. "Theo when you hear the noises take Damon and get the hell out of here." I smiled at him and he nodded. Okay Stiles, lets do this. I quickly pushed two of the buttons behind my left ear. I heard a bunch of noises and was glad. The explosions worked, I quickly ran to my bag and slung it on my back. I opened the door and looked back once to see Theo already grabbing Damon. "Hurry."

I ran out and clicked the other buttons. I started grabbing my guns and ran. I needed to find every hunter in this building. As I turned the corner I shot a couple hunters. I quickly pushed the rest of the buttons and triggered the other explosions. I grabbed some more that I had in my bag and lit them. It's now or never.

(Listen to 'lovely by Billie Eilish)

Damon's Pov

"Let go of me." I tried to push Theo off of me but he held on tighter. "I have to get you out of here. Stop being a little bitch." Theo pushed a door open with his leg and started to run. I was in his arms. Normally I wouldn't complain for this kind of attention, but I didn't want his. "Oh my god." Shock filled Theo's voice and I was confused. That was until we stopped and I noticed all the noise. I was dropped and I quickly turned around. The building was exploding. Fire was coming out of almost every end of the building. No one was coming out. The sound of gun shots were still being heard. Panic started to fill my body, "He's out right?" I looked at Theo.

He didn't move. His eyes were glued to the building. "I told him he wouldn't make it out.. I-I told him not to come alone." Theo never took his eyes off of the building. So that was it? The guy I had just met and cared for so much is dead? That doesn't sound right. "No, he has to be alive. We can go back and look for him. We can-." I was quickly cut off by a hug. "He's gone Damon." Was whispered into my ear and I lost it. I could hold it in anymore. I started crying. I just lost the one person that might have been able to love me. "Take me home." I whispered gripping onto Theo tighter. When I get home I can have a drink. After that everything will be fine.

I didn't notice when we made it home or when Theo told everyone else. I didn't even notice that I was thrown into water. I only noticed that I was now in bed with a bottle of bourbon in hand. "D-Damon?" I was immediately upset by the sound of my brothers voice. "Hello brother." I spat out as I took another sip from my drink. "Listen I'm not here to fight-." He took a step into my room and I scoffed. "Derek I don't care what you're going to do or say because I'm the end, when you loose somebody, every candle, prayer is not gonna make up for the fact that the only thing you have left, is a hole in your life where that somebody you cared about used to be." I drank some

"Damon, I know that you liked him and I really am sorry. We didn't know him that long though." Derek sighed and I rolled my eyes as more tears left them. "Theo knew him for less and yet he cares more that Stiles is dead than you do." I couldn't help but to take another sip. I loved the way the burning sensation felt. Every time I took a sip I felt a bit better. I felt like the burning sensation took a little bit of my feelings with it. I just wish my feelings could disappear. The pain seemed to be oddly unbearable. It felt as though my life was now missing. The world had stopped moving. I think... I think I just lost my mate.

I wanted to bring a little Tvd Damon in here! School for me starts on Thursday 🙈 I'm sad.

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